On Sale When You Rise Up
by R C Sproul Jr.
142 page Soft Cover Book
One of the up-and-coming heroes of the home-school movement in America is R.C. Sproul, Jr., whose practical, family-centered vision for discipleship is as fresh as it is rooted in historical, biblical Christianity. When it comes to education, R.C. doesn’t hesitate in dealing with the real issues. Who should teach our children? What should they be taught? What teaching methods should be employed? In this powerful primer on child training, R.C. cuts through the haze surrounding the educational debate by offering a biblical approach that is elegantly simple without being simplistic. Not everyone will love this book. Christians who embrace an education methodology of neutrality will either squirm with discomfort or convert. R.C. clearly and emphatically makes the case for parent’s as God’s chosen teachers. He writes with verve, with heart, with transparency, and with humility. He systematically goes through all of the typical objections raised against home schooling and provides meaningful and definitive answers. On the other hand, parents who, with humility before the Lord, are seeking His best for their families will be deeply touched and motivated by this simple, biblical message of covenantal home education. By R.C. Sproul, Jr,.
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