Annual Writing Contest for Young People and a Published Anthology

The Grannie Annie Family Story Celebration

Includes an Annual Writing Contest for Young People and a Published Anthology

Please scroll down for general information about The Grannie Annie. Submission forms have been updated for the new year — and be sure to remember the new submission deadline of February 1, 2010.

We’d love to hear from you! Send your questions or comments to:

Grannie Annie authors and artists signing books

Grannie Annie authors and artists at the first-ever Grannie Annie Gathering in June signed books after sharing their stories and illustrations.

Click here for a printable photo album of the event.

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Order your copies of Grannie Annie; take advantage of special discounts for participating teachers, multi-volume sets, and orders of 10 or more books.

Sneak a peek at past volumes of Grannie Annie, or read the stories.

A Note to The Grannie Annie Family: Connie McIntyre of Thumbprint Press and Fran Hamilton of Portico Books, publishers of books for children, conceived of The Grannie Annie in the summer of 2005 and committed to sponsoring it through its infancy. Over the past four years, young people from across the country, and the adults who support and nurture them, have voted with their stories and words of appreciation — We love The Grannie Annie!

In response to your enthusiasm for The Grannie Annie, and in order to facilitate its growth, we are making plans to seek additional funding and broaden our internal organization. You may notice some small changes in our website as this process moves forward. However, we do not expect any changes in your Grannie Annie experience — it will remain rich and rewarding, as usual!

Welcome to The Grannie Annie

Grannie Annie is full of stories. Just ask her! She’ll tell you about her immigrant grandparents coming to America by boat. She’ll tell you about her parents rolling up their living room rug and inviting the neighbors over to dance, and about riding in a one-horse sleigh, churning butter in a washing machine, and surviving fires, floods, and blizzards.

Who are the storykeepers in your family? Just ask them! They’ll tell you stories about “the old days” that are so amazing you’ll want to write them down. Ask about your grandparents and great-grandparents. Ask about their daily lives, their adventures, their joys, and their sorrows. Take notes!

You are invited to follow The Grannie Annie Official Guidelines and enter a story from a past generation of your family. Your story can be humorous, tragic, or inspirational. It can be a story of courage, adventure, or anything you find interesting about your family’s past.

The Grannie Annie Mission

The mission of The Grannie Annie is to celebrate family stories, foster an interest in history, and nurture the writing skills of young people. The Grannie Annie encourages people around the world to interview family members to discover stories from their family’s history. When the stories are brought to life in written form, they can be shared with others and preserved for future generations.

There’s even more: Behind each family story lie experiences familiar to people in different centuries and on different continents. These simple, and very personal, family stories can help writers and readers to forge a bond with people in today’s world whose lives may seem very different from their own — and move the world one step closer to peace.

Submission Categories

Entries will be considered in two categories: U.S. grades 4-5 and 6-8. If you are a homeschool or international student between the ages of 9 and 14, your work will be considered in the category that corresponds with your age.

Submission Fee

There is no fee for submitting your work.


The annual submission deadline for Grannie Annie is February 1. Mailed entries must be postmarked on or before this date. E-mailed entries must be sent on or before this date.

Honoring the Authors and Artists

Read more here:

Announcement of Contest Results

Read more here:

How to Purchase the Books

Read more here:

Writing Assistance

Read more here:

Guidelines for Entry

Be sure to follow The Grannie Annie Official Guidelines so that your story will be eligible for Grannie Annie.

Contest Entry Form

The Grannie Annie Official Entry Form must accompany your story and/or illustration.

Submission Information For Teachers

Teachers who are submitting their students’ entries must complete and enclose one copy of The Grannie Annie Teacher Submission Form in addition to their students’ Official Entry Forms. The information provided on this form will facilitate communication regarding students’ submissions and recognition.

The Grannie Annie in the Classroom and Beyond

We offer a variety of resources to enhance your Grannie Annie experience, complement your curriculum, and utilize the wealth of information in this collection of amazing family stories:

Read more here:

The Story Behind The Grannie Annie

Read more here:

Please feel free to contact The  Grannie Annie  Family with questions, compliments, or suggestions: