Melbourne Home Education Conference: 11 September 2010

Melbourne Home Education Conference

Smith Craig mapKeystone only

Craig Smith Editor of Keystone Magazine

Wendy Hill from The Gift of Music

Date: Saturday  11 September 2010

Venue: Presbyterian Church of Hawthorn, 580 Glenferrie Rd Hawthorn, Melbourne  3122,

Cost: $20 per family or $5.00 per session (including grandparents).  If you are in genuine financial difficulty, please contact us, and we would love to help you.

Register and Map here:

Speakers: Craig Smith, Wendy Hill and Jonathan Field

Contact:  Jonathan  and Katie 03 9018 9286


9:00am Registration

9:15 Welcome & Notices

9:30-11:00  Keynote: Craig Smith “Home Education — Getting Things into Perspective”

11:00-11:30 Morning Tea (Drink and light refreshment provided)

11:30-1:00 Two electives

1. “Christian Dad’s Essential Role in Home Education” Craig Smith

2.  “The Elements of Music” Wendy Hill

1:00-1:30 BYO lunch. Drinks provided.

1:30- 2:30 Two  electives

1. “The Christian Imperative–Why all Christians Must Rescue Their Children From State Schools” Craig Smith

2. Teaching your children  Christian World Views” Jonathan Field

2:30-3:00 Afternoon Tea (Drink and light refreshment provided)

3:00-4:00 Two electives

1. “Christian Parents Preventing and Changing Rebellion in a Child’s Heart” Craig Smith

2. “Teaching your children Foreign Languages” Jonathan Field

Conference ends/looking at stands

Stands at Conference:

Home Education Foundation:

The Gift of Music:

Life Long Learning:

plus possibly others

Please note that all sessions will be presented from a distinctly Biblical perspective, although all attendees are most welcome.

Conference website