Post earthquake schooling options

Please read this  press release:

Truancy is still frozen for Earthquake affected people. This is whether your old school has reopened or not. If your old school has reopened and you want to keep your children at home then please continue to keep them at home. Your children will not be considered truant.

We will advise when truancy is again back in force. At that time you will either have to send your children to a school, or go on Correspondence School or get an exemption to home school your children . At the moment the law says you have to have your child in school while you go through the process of getting an exemption. We are in the process with the MoE to see if they will lift this requirement for earthquake affected people.

We will add more information here as it comes to hand.

New Link on earthquake affected families, Truancy and applying for an exemption:

Free Call 0800 100 692

Truancy is now back. So you will need to either have your children in school, on correspondence school or get and exemption to home educate your children. Unfortunately we were not able to organise it so that you could apply for an exemption while you keep your children at home. The law says that your children must be in school between the ages of 6 and 16 while you apply for your exemption. There are some exceptions so please ring us to see if you qualify for these.  Phone  06 357-4399 or 0800 100 692

For exemption and home schooling advise:


Canterbury Home Educators

(03) 322 4824


Home Education Foundation

(06) 357-4399


For a booklet on the Exemption process

Applying for an Exemption to Educate at Home

Hot off the press



To order do one of the following:

send email to with visa number

post cheque or visa number to PO Box 9064, Palmerston North

fax: 06 357-4389

phone: 06 357-4399

Free Call 0800 100 692

Trademe (fees added):

Sella (No added fees):









One thought on “Post earthquake schooling options

  1. Pingback: Earthquake affected families and Truancy

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