for English, Maths, History, Geography, Economics, Science, Music, Art, Foreign Languages, and more.
For more info, see Creation Ministries table at the Jay Wile conference.
This 2 hour workshop is mostly hands-on, but also explains the principles behind these game designs. You will become familiar with games that are easy to learn, quick to play, cheap to make an enjoyable for the whole family. These games are adaptable to age, interest and ability. Younger children can help you make them and older children can design and make them.
Where: Upper Riccarton
When: Friday 14th August 7 p.m.
Cost: $10 per person. This includes games manual.
Who: Adults. Teens over 12 may attend (additional $10) but only if they are likely to be able to keep up with the pace.
Booking by 3rd August and prepayment essential. To book, please email or phone Lennie on 03-3143720.