Venue: Rosedale Bible Chapel, corner of Bourke and Exmouth Streets, Invercargill

Contact: Paula 03 213 0563
Cost: $15.00 per family including grandparents, or $50.00 per session
Creche: $5.00 per child with a $15.00 family maximum
9:00am Registration
9:15am 2 Electives
1. “Home Education — Getting things into Perspective” Craig
2. “Avoiding Burnout – Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough” Barbara
10:30 Morning tea
11:00 2 Electives
1. “Christian Dad’s Essential Role in Home Education” and “The Vital Nature of Reading Aloud” Craig
2. “Training Our Children’s minds”, “The Tools of Learning” and “Motivation” Barbara
12:15 lunch break Bring your own lunch – drinks available
12:45 2 electives
1. “Home Educating Through Secondary and Preparing For Tertiary Education and the Workforce” Craig
2. “Training Our Children/Youth to Be Pure” Barbara
2:00 afternoon tea
2:30 2 electives
1. “Christian Parents Preventing and Changing Rebellion in a Child’s Heart” Craig
2. “Raising our Daughters to be Godly Wives and Mothers” Barbara
3:30 Question Time