PATCHWORK OF GRACE 16-18 September 2011

Fri 16 Sept evening  – Sunday 18 Sept afternoon.
El Rancho, Waikanae
This is an opportunity for you to spend a weekend away from the burdens and stresses of homeschooling life and take some time out to fellowship with other like-minded mums. You will receive inspiration and encouragement for your homeschool journey from our speakers:
Rosie Boom – well-known speaker, homeschool mum, author, singer/songwriter
Cynthia Hancox – Foxton
Linette Wallbank – Auckland
Gayle MacDonald – Wellington
Christel van Eyssen – Hawkes Bay
Places limited to 50 full-time participants.  Day visitors are also welcome.
Breastfeeding babies are welcome, but you will need to organise childminding for toddlers and older children.
Friday programme 16 Sept 2011:
8.00pm      Rosie – Session 1

Saturday programme 17 Sept 2011:
8.45am     Worship 

9.00am      Rosie – Session 2

10.00am   Morning tea

10.30am   Short video

10.45am   Journey of a homeschool Mum 1

11.30pm   Creating Family Memories (share your ideas)

12.00pm   Break

12.15pm   Lunch

(1.00 – 4.00pm Vendors will have curriculum displays available.)

2.00pm – 2.45pm   Craft with your children:  Linette Wallbank

Bring 2 balls wool (pref DK), 6mm knitting needles & a wool needle

2.45 – 3.30pm    Craft workshop for Mums: Linette Wallbank

3.30pm     Afternoon tea

4.00pm     Journey of a Homeschool Mum 2

4.45pm     Short break

5.00pm     Journey of a Homeschool Mum 3

5.30pm     Time to get ready for dinner

5.45pm     Dinner

7.00pm     Quiet Reflective Time

7.30pm     Rosie – Session 3

8.30pm     Homeschool Graduates Speak (your questions answered)

9.00pm     Supper

9.30pm     Optional Movie





Cost:  $175 per person (Includes all meals from Sat breakfast through to Sunday lunch.)
Non-refundable deposit of $50 required to secure your place.  Balance to be paid by 9 Sept.
If your deposit is paid by Fri, 23 Aug you will receive a $10 discount off the full-time registration cost.
Payment by direct credit to Patchwork of Grace,  Kiwibank account No. 38 9010 0304965 00
(Use your first initial and your last name as payment reference.) or cheque to 221 Main Road, Tawa, Wellington 5028.
Day visitors are welcome:   $50 + Sat lunch ($14) and/or dinner ($18)
E-mail the following information to
Name, address, phone number, any special dietary requirements, preferred room-mate, whether a baby is attending and if you want to do the Mum’s workshop.
or ring Gayle MacDonald 04-2323316.
All other enquiries to or Saramaree McDonnell 04-5673730
Some feedback from the 2006 POG Retreat
“Much more than I had ever expected.  A great blessing.”
“Great variety.”
“Everything so well organised.”
“I am leaving more charged and hopeful that I can spend more quality time with my children.”
“Elm Court accommodation is awesome – warm, comfortable and modern.”