PhD project which looks at living with dyslexia from a dyslexic perspective

From Ruth Gibbons

I am looking for people who are interested in being part of a PhD project which looks at living with dyslexia from a dyslexic perspective.  Coming from anthropology I am looking at dyslexia as a different way of paying attention to the world and I am interested in how people with dyslexia communicate their own stories.  In looking at dyslexia from anthropology it appears that for people with dyslexia literacy is like learning a second language and I want to find out how people represent their experiences using their first language, whether this is visual, oral, kinaesthetic etc…

I am working with two different groups. The first of these groups is the focus group.  In the focus group we will be using cardboard 3D letters and changing them to represent how people feel about written language, there will be lots of different art supplies and sounds for people to choose from to create their own representation.  The finished letters will become part of an exhibition made up of all of the art work created by the people involved in the project. Anyone over the age of 10 years who would like to be part of a creative day is welcome to be part of the workshops.  The Auckland session will be 24th November between 9:30am and 12:30pm.  The Christchurch and Wellington sessions will be March and April 2013.

The second group will be made up of people who want to show more of their experience of dyslexia.  I am asking that they create something that represents their own story.  This can be in any way: art, music, photography, film, dance etc… Together we will create multi-sensory representations of what it means to live with dyslexia and these will be part of the installation on living with dyslexia from a dyslexic perspective.   So if you are 16 years or older and are interested in being involved in this group, or  interested in the first group, please contact me.  Ruth Gibbons or on


From the Smiths:

Updated 5 October 2012:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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