Changes in the MoE

The MoE has recently had  some major changes.

“These new positions will be our key local leadership roles from 1 July, responsible for coordinating all Ministry services and support to their local communities. The aim is to have more senior leaders closer to the sector geographically and to have one senior person coordinating Ministry services.  This will ensure greater responsiveness to local needs.”

There are now 10 areas. So new exemption applications need to be sent to your nearest MoE office:

Director of education for: Appointed:
Tai Tokerau Hira Gage
Waikato Paula Rawiri
BOP/Rotorua/Taupo Ezra Schuster (12 months)
Hawke’s Bay/Gisborne Marilyn Scott
Taranaki/Whanganui/Manawatu Jann Marshall (6 months)
Wellington Pauline Cleaver
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast Erika Ross
Canterbury Coralanne Child
Otago Southland Julie Anderson (start date 4 August)

The recruitment process for the Director of Education for Auckland


 still underway, and we’ll update you on that once an appointment is  confirmed.

The other new appointment that concerns home educators is Jim Greening

(Group Manager, Schools and Student Support). Home Education is one of his responsibilities.

This link has the profiles of all those mentioned above:

                                                                                                                                                               Those in the MoE National Office in Lower Hutt who are responsible for Home Education are:

Jim Greening (Group Manager, Schools and Student Support)

,              Sonya Logan (Manager, Student Engagement),

Lucy Ambrose (Senior Advisor, Learner Engagement)

The MoE National Office would like to have one point of contact for home educators so that they can promptly direct people to who they need to speak to.

Lucy Ambrose is that point of contact for all home education questions
