Help teachers to teach / help parents educate

This is a very interesting news article for home educators. “On average 80 per cent of what students learn in a class is not what the teacher intended to teach.”

What are the biggest issues facing the education sector? A huge question to pose. If we turn it around and ask “What skills do we need to teach our students in order for them to become and remain effective in a society in which change is a constant?” then we can work towards clarity.

Unbelievably, classroom research suggests that on average 80 per cent of what students learn in a class is not what the teacher intended to teach….

Our aim when home educating our children is to be training them to be independant learners.

It is interesting to note that “teacher training” rates low on the scale. Teaching is very much a hands on profession in which the teacher becomes more skilled and competent over time spent teaching in the classroom.

The training that occurs before the classroom does help to a limited extent and provides a guide, but it differs wildly from the actual experience. On the other hand, “on the job” mentoring in which active feedback is given to teachers by experienced senior teachers, does wonders to improving outcomes in the classroom because the suggested changes can be immediately implemented and the effects seen…

For home educators the training that occurs before we begin home educating our children is very limited, mainly it is our own school experience, and it differs wildly from the actual experience. On the other hand, “on the job”  we learn by being involed with our children. We soon learn what our “teaching” style is and how our child  learns best. For a very few number of children it can resemble school and for others they learn best being totally self directed. Most children (and a lot of parents comfort zone) fall in between these two.  And in a very limited way mentoring in where active feedback is given to mothers/and fathers by experienced home educators, does wonders to improving outcomes at home because the suggested changes can be immediately implemented and the effects seen.


From the Smiths:

Updated 2 February 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started:


Information on getting an exemption:

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

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