South Island Life Learners Camp 2014

Live and Learn

Registration is now open – register here now
Camp Free Space 2014 – Raincliff, South Canterbury
For a second year running the South Island Unschoolers/Life Learners camp is happening and it’s going to be AWESOME!

Where: Raincliff Youth Camp, South Canterbury –

When: 30th Jan- 2nd Feb 2014
Who: All families with whom the philosophy of unschooling/life learning/natural learning/child led learning etc resonates with,  and their extended family/whanau/supporters.


  •  To have a gathering place to meet other life learners from across the south island
  •  To build long term friendships and support networks with others on a similar path of living
  •  To grow a community specifically around whole life learning/unschooling and respectful parenting
  •  To have relaxing, inspiring and rejuvenating fun!

Camp Fees – total cost for 3 nights
$43 per adult
$21 per 1-17 year old
Under 1 year olds are free

If you cannot come for the whole camp the costs are:
$15 per adult per night
$7 per 1- 17 year old per night
Day visitors $2 per person (please still register)

If you would like to be involved in the co-ordinating of this camp please contact Angela and Joel on:

Staveley Life Learners Family Camp

Welcome to our co-created camps at Staveley, Mid Canterbury, South Island, Aotearoa/NZ.
These camps were born from a Open Space hui* that took place in Christchurch in 2012 where families from Oamaru to Christchurch met together to discuss how to build and create ongoing connections between our families.  From here an idea of a day camp was discussed – something that was more than just a mornings playgroup, given that people would be travelling quite a distance for it.  From here the first “day camp” took place in Peel Forest and Staveley, December 2012. It was decided that it would become an overnight gathering and was such a huge success that the ‘closing circle**’ calls for it to “become a whole weekend camp and four times a year”, were heeded.
Now families meet four times a year, rain, snow (and we had some at the winter camp!!) or shine at Staveley campsite Friday  to Sunday afternoon. It is a co-created space where each person brings what they can offer in skills and shares these with those who are there.  It is a wonderful environment of support, connection, ideas, learning, debate and laughter.  Everyone comes from different walks of life but share a common goal of loving and supporting our children learning at home in a natural/lifelearning/unschooling philosophy.  It is an open space for anyone who wishes to be involved, from those just interested in Home Educating to those who have been doing it for years.We welcome you along and look forward to getting to know you and your family.To learn more click on:

*Open Space –
**Closing circles are the meeting at the end of the camp where families gather in a circle to share their experiences of camp and make suggestions of new ideas etc.


Please feel free to forward, email, share, etc – thankyou


From the Smiths:

Updated: 30 September 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started:


Information on getting an exemption:

Exemption Form online:

This link is motivational:

Coming Events:
