The Smith’s Tasmanian move update


21 April the Smiths moved out of 4 Tawa Street

Contact Details until 5 June 021 0278 2221 or (Our mail is still going to 4 Tawa Street, Palmerston North 4414. The new owners have kindly said that they will keep it for us and we will have our last pick up from them 4 June.)

23-25 April Barbara will be doing the Home Education Foundation’s GST report, End of Year Financial Accounts, letter and receipts to doners and a Charities Commission Report. Thank you everyone for patiently waiting for your receipts. That is now my next priority to get these out to you.

27 April Wanganui Home Educators Conference: contact Lisa (06) 345 8645,

28-29 April continuing with any business not completed and organising of our North and South Island tours

29 or 30 April travel to Auckland

1 May in Auckland – available for any meetings

2 May 2015 Hamilton (THEN) Home Educators Conference: contact Margaret (07) 843 5656 email: (numbers limited)

5 May BOP Home Educators Conference: contact Gin 022 127 6461

9 May 2015 AHE Learning together 2015 Home Education Conference (I will not be at this but thought I would use this opportunity to advertise it)

9 May 2015 Nelson Home Educators Conference: contact Rachel 027 254 6699

11 May 2015 Takaka Home Educators conference: contact Dot 03 525 8182
12 May 2015  morning tea in Takaka contact Dot 03 525 8182
Because our move has been such a huge thing I have not been able to get the rest of the tour organised yet.  I will be working on this over the next few days as well. So if you are interested in going to any of these conferences keep an eye on the website or contact the organiser of the even.
14 May 2105 Half day conference Hokitika – Kim  (03) 755 7228
16 May possibly available half day Conference Wanaka 16, 18, 19, or 20 (Will let you know as one of those days we will be taking a trip up to the Hakataramea Valley via the Lindis)
22 May 2015 Conference Te Anau  –  contact: kelly  (03) 249 7707 or Nancy (03) 249-8166
23 May 2015 Invercargill Home Education conference: contact Diane
25 May 2015  Dunedin Home Educators Conference – contact Claire 021 295 8953
26 May 2015 half day conf Oamaru – contact Tani (03) 434-9253
27 May 2015 half day conf in Christchurch –
28 May 2015 Half day conf in Blenheim –  confirmed
29 May 2015 Half day conf in Wellington – Sara
5 June 2015 Leave Wellington Airport for Melbourne


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


Red Tape Cluster Buster Meetings and the Scoping Survey: