Are you about to write an exemption?

From AHE (Auckland Home Educators)

The Auckland office of the Ministry of Education is receiving increasing numbers of exemption applications.
Fay Norman has been processing all the applications herself over the last two and half years. She is now retiring and the job of processing exemptions will be distributed to six different Auckland regions with one liaison person overseeing from the Auckland office.

If you live in the Auckland Area (which extends from Wellsford to Mercer) you still need to submit your exemption to the Auckland Office (12-18 Normanby Road, Mt Eden, or post to: Private Bag 92644 Symonds Street, Auckland 1150, or by email:

Your exemption will be initially processed by Atarangi Putamainu (Ati). Ati has been receiving applications for a number or years, but now, instead of passing the information on to Fay Norman, Ati will pass the application on to a team member in the region that you live. Ati will be available by phone (09-632 9400) if you have questions about your application. If she is not able to answer your questions she will pass you on to the person processing your application.

The six regions are (approximately):
North: Wellsford to the North Shore
West: Helensville to New Lynn
Central: Avondale to Remuera
East: Kohimarama to Howick
Southwest: Onehunga to Manukau
South: Manurewa to Mercer

Julie Spedding will be the Home Education liaison person for the Auckland Region. She is based in the Auckland office and wants to see consistency between all the six regions. Fay Norman has provided training sessions for each manager in the six regions, though the actual processing will be completed by one of their team members. It will be overseen and signed off by the manager.

Julie is keen to hear feedback about how this new system is working. It begins next week – Monday 12 December 2016
I will be in regular contact with Julie, so please encourage anyone you know who is doing an application to get in touch and let me know how it goes. We hope there will be a smooth transition to the new system.

If you have any questions or concerns relating to the Ministry of Education, please feel free to contact me and I will do what I can to help (

Please pass this on to anyone in the Auckland area that may be doing an exemption in the future.
Thank you
Natalie Donaldson
Government Liaison
for :

Auckland Home Educators

AHE Supports Home-Educators in Auckland Thinking of home-educating?Come along to an AHE Information Session. Find out more about what home-schooling involves, what support is available and the legal process.  Be reassured that home-education isn’t as hard as you think!  Contact Michelle at to find out when the next Information Session will be held.