Home Education Statistics for 1 July 2020


“As at 1 July 2020, there were 7,192 homeschooled students. This represents 0.9% of total school enrolments as at 1 July 2020.

“Out of the 7,192 homeschoolers 65.0% were aged 12 or under, 70.2% had been home-schooled for less than 5 years, and only 4.2% had been home-schooled for 10 years or more.

Time Series Data

The box below provides a number of downloads relating to the number of students in homeschooling.

Homeschooling Turnover

Between 1 July 2019 and 1 July 2020 there was an overall net increase of 619 students; 1,607 students entered into homeschooling and 988 students finished homeschooling.

There were 1,347 students entering into homeschooling in the year ending 1 July 2020, 82.2% were aged 12 or under and 0.9% were age 16 or above. Of the students entering homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 20, 70.9% identified as European/P?keh?, 14.8% identified as M?ori, 3.4% identified as Pacific, 4.2% identified as Asian, and for 0.7% of homeschoolers ethnicity is unknown.

There were 1,005 students finishing homeschooling in the year ending 1 July 2020, 43.5% were aged 12 or under, and 22.7% were 16-years old or above. Of the students finishing homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 2020, 25.5% had been in homeschooling less than a year, 43.2% had been in homeschooling for 1 – 5 years, and 10.9% had been in homeschooling for 10 years or more.

One-on-One Tables

The box below provides a number of one-on-one dimensional tables relating to homeschooling turnover.

For more information go to: https://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/statistics/homeschooling