Auckland Home Education events 10th & 11th June

Important Events coming up this week in Auckland:

Homeschool Variety Show FRIDAY 10 JUNE 2011

Rehearsals continue, instruments are tuned, and voices warmed up all ready
to go for the Homeschool Variety Show. These talented home educated young
people have worked very hard to prepare an entertaining evening’s
performance just for your enjoyment. Take an early dinner from one of the
numerous nearby eateries and come so you can offer your support to these
youngsters from the Home Ed community. This family friendly programme is
suitable for ALL ages so bring along your children, parents and grandparents
and enjoy a short, fast paced show with more than a few surprises.

FREE for all Firelight Workshop and Science by Design Attendees. Gold coin
donation for everyone else (max $10 per family.)

Firelight Workshops SATURDAY 11 JUNE 2011!

* 20+ home education workshops (our highest number of workshops at any
Firelight event – ever!)
* A wide array of topics covering everything from running a home business,
dealing with Asperger Syndrome or sitting exams to starting out on your home
education journey – plus everything in between!
* An inspiring and committed group of workshops speakers – experienced
mums, tutors, and trained professionals (including one speaker who is
travelling all the way from Timaru)

The Workshops cover three main tracks: PRACTICAL, SECONDARY/TERTIARY and

Since the workshops were introduced just a week ago, they are proving very
popular – some are nearly full! If you are home educating or thinking about
it, these workshops are now even more unmissable! There really is something
for everyone.

The workshops run parallel to all the Keynote sessions from the Science by
Design Conference so you have the option of either hearing Dr Wile or
attending any workshop that suits you.

Science by Design Conference FRIDAY 10 & SATURDAY 11 JUNE 2011!

We are thrilled to have Dr Jay Wile as our keynote speaker again this year.
Dr Wile speaks on issues relating to Creation Science and teaching critical
thinking. Your teens especially will love him!

As well as the keynote talks and workshops, the conference also features:

* Spot prizes
* FREE Variety Concert on the Friday night – come and support our fellow
home educators
* 11 Vendors – more than ever before!
* Optional Kids’ Programme
* FREE Morning and Afternoon tea
* And so much more

For a peek at the full Science by Design line up, have a nosey at this page:


Take a look here at all the workshop titles:


You can also check out a complete description of all the workshops here:


All events are held in Lambie Drive, Manukau which is exceptionally easy to
get to thanks to the new Highway 20 Motorway. Just take the Lambie Drive

But wait, there’s more!

Because of all the new workshops recently added, you can pre-book any time
up until THURSDAY 9 JUNE and you will receive the Earlybird pricing. Walk up
attendees on the day will pay the higher pricing.

Please pass this onto anyone you know who is home educating or thinking of
it – newbies, old hands, support groups, preschool organisations, Christian,
non Christian alike, mums, dads etc.

Let’s make these events a huge success – the best Auckland has seen! We look
forward to seeing you there.

On behalf of the Firelight Foundation:
A not-for-profit organisation which exists to light the fire of inspiration
among home educating families

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  1. Pingback: June Home Education Conferences

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