A message from Ange, Erin, and Jacinda
Hi fellow home educating family,
We are super excited to invite *YOU* to: The Inaugural *NZ South Island Unschoolers Camp/Gathering:* *”Camp Free Space: Free to Be”*
Where: Camp Iona, Herbert, Otago, South Island, New Zealand
When: February 15-18th, Fri 3pm -Mon 12pm, 2013
Who: All families with whom the philosophy of unschooling/life learning/natural learning/child led learning etc resonates with, and their extended family/whanau/supporters.
To have a gathering place to meet other life learners from across the south island
To build long term friendships and support networks with others on a similar path of living
To grow a community specifically around whole life learning/unschooling and respectful parenting
To have relaxing, inspiring and rejuvenating fun!
Cost: $10 per person, per night, under 5’s free.
*So please spread the word far and wide to all your networks.*
The weekends very general outline includes arriving and settling on the Friday, time together on the Sat/Sun, then clean up head home Mon. There are no ‘”timetabled” activities however there will be a list of activities that may happen if people want them to – this list will be generated by everyone who comes. So if you have a great idea or a particular activity you would like to have happen then let us know. If you have a particular skill that you would like to share then let us know.
Some examples of activities include: backyard cricket, talking circles, bivvy building, bush/nature drawing, kids market etc
You will be updated of this list as we near the camp date.
The camp is all about giving you the time and space to join in as you wish and/or take time out for yourself/your family as you need.
It promises to be a fantastically fun, relaxing and supportive weekend and we would love to have you be a part of it.
If you are interested please register your interest by replying to: ang.fraser@gmail.com
You will be sent the Camp Iona info. and ongoing updates of details. The campsite is a self catering bunk room style (or tents/motorhomes)camp with a hall /kitchen/ ablutions block etc, with beautiful bush and a river for swimming.
We will also be posting updates/chatting about it all on the google+, ‘camp circle’ so if you already have a gmail account and wish to become part of this circle send your email to: ang.fraser@gmail.com we’ll include you in the circle.
Looking forward to meeting you
Yours in community
Your Camp Organisers
Ange, Erin, and Jacinda
From the Smiths:
Updated 5 October 2012: One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here
Needing help for your home schooling journey:
Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:
This link is motivational:
Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill
Make a submission: Reject compulsory Early Education for 3 year olds