Can you help this family find a job

UPDATE 10 July 2014:

Due to a link one of the responders provided through this site last week (the site was a worldwide site) an employer outside of New Zealand has made a job offer that the family are pleased to accept. Every avenue was explored that you all gave information for, unfortunately in order to secure a work visa here, a job offer needs to be made and paperwork filled out very early on and time was an issue. We appreciate all of your help and prayers and we will be sorry to see them go. Thank you again for the great links and advice. 
I have also removed the CV link as it is not required to be here anymore.

Below is a letter from a home educating family from Canada. They would like to be able to stay in New Zealand. They are in desperate need of a job – before 22 July 2014. Can you help? Chris will consider any job  –  his attached CV is to give you an idea of his abilities.

We are a homeschooling family from Canada and have been visiting good friends in Auckland. We have been encountering growing resistance to homeschooling in our province in Canada, which concerns us. We adore New Zealand and have been really encouraged by the local homeschooling community.

We just wanted to ask all you good people out there to consider us if you know of any positions for a project manager in New Zealand, so that we might secure employment and begin the process of obtaining work visas here and eventually living permanently here. Time is of the essence for us as our travel visa expires mid July. Our CV is attached and we have excellent work and personal references. We would appreciate in advance any help or suggestions you may have to offer us, and thank you for taking the time to read about us.

We’d love to join your wonderful homeschool community and have the privilege of homeschooling our children in such a safe and fantastic country, as we have found New Zealand to be.

Chris and Jill

Here is Chris’s CV:  removed due the family finding a job.
