Tedd Tripp Tour March 2015

More information about the Tedd Tripp tour of New Zealand from Erena:

Hi Barbara

Below is the information about the Tedd Tripp tour of NZ. Dr Tripp was booked approximately four years ago to come to NZ for this speaking tour and will continue on to tour Australia afterwards.

While not specifically for home educators, these events will be of interest to many home educating families because Dr Tripp is so well known. The Auckland and Christchurch conferences include our ever popular ‘teen track’ with topics specifically geared to that audience. All events are from a Christian perspective but anyone is welcome to attend. Bookings are now open.

If you could forward to any homeschooling groups, that would be wonderful as several events have limited numbers.

Kind regards,

Erena Fussell

The ‘Shepherding the Heart Tour NZ’ aims, with the help of God and the faithful service of volunteers, to bless others in 2015 through the teaching ministry of Tedd and Margy Tripp.


New Zealand Speaking Tour

March, 2015

Dr Tedd Tripp and his wife, Margy, are coming to New Zealand in 2015!

In an age of countless parenting philosophies and theories, you can’t afford to miss hearing solid biblical teaching on this vitally important area. As a senior Pastor of Grace Fellowship Church in Pennsylvania, Dr Tripp has limited speaking engagements around the world so this will likely be his one and only trip ‘downunder.’

Tedd TrippPastor Tripp is the author of the book, “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” and co-author, along with his wife, Margy, of the book “Instructing a Child’s Heart.” Margy is also a sought after speaker at women’s events. The Tripps will be holding a number of seminars, talks and other events around the country during their time in New Zealand. Auckland and Christchurch conferences have a full teen programme.

For further information about the various events being hosted in New Zealand or to book, feel free to contact us:

P| 06 8766079 or 0274 790002

E| shepherdingthehearttournz@gmail.com

W| www.shepherdingthehearttour.co.nz

Find us on Facebook – www.facebook.com/shepherdingthehearttournz

About the Speaker

Ted Tripp1Dr. Tedd Tripp is Senior Pastor Emeritus of Grace Fellowship Church since his retirement as Senior Pastor after 29 years of service.  He was married to Margy in 1968.  They have three adult children and nine grandchildren.  Tedd is a graduate of Geneva College, B.A. in History, Philadelphia Theological Seminary, M. Div., and Westminster Theological Seminary, D. Min. with an emphasis in Pastoral Counseling.

Tedd is the author of the popular child-rearing book, Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Shepherding a Child’s Heart Parent’s Handbook and co-author with Margy of Instructing a Child’s Heart.

Tedd continues to serve as an elder of Grace Fellowship Church.  Before seminary Tedd worked as a contractor and in industry.  Tedd and Margy founded Immanuel Christian School in 1979 where Tedd has served as a teacher and administrator.  Tedd is ICS Board Chairman Emeritus.  From 1985-1997 Tedd served as a counselor in the Lehigh Valley office of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.  Since 1994 Tedd has maintained an extensive ministry as a conference speaker and presenter of Shepherding a Child’s Heart Seminars.  His books and video and audio materials are used throughout the world.

Here’s what people are saying about Shepherding the Heart materials and seminars –

  • Tedd Tripp offers solid, trustworthy, biblical help for parents. – Rev. John MacArthur
  • What struck me most is the way he illustrates behavior and heart. – Seminar attendee
  • Every opportunity for correction is an opportunity to talk about grace. – Seminar attendee
  • Dr Tripp’s material on parenting is the clearest, most biblically framed, and most helpful that I have ever encountered. – Dr Edward Welch
  • Tedd Tripp knows what he is talking about and who he is talking to. He knows children, he knows parents…and he knows the ways of God.” – Dr David Powlinson

Ted Tripp IntineraryFor more information about the Ministry of Dr Tedd and Margy Tripp, visit www.shepherdingtheheart.org

Underwritten by:

Firelight Foundation

A: 704 Matai Street, Raureka, Hastings

P: 06 8766 079

M: 0274 790002

E: shepherdingthehearttournz@gmail.com

W: www.shepherdingthehearttour.co.nz

Light the fire…

More information: Sheperding the Heart NZ Tour March 2015


Please share/forward this link with others


Updated 1 October 2014:  Three years on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:



Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting startedhttps://hef.org.nz/getting-started-2/


Information on getting an exemptionhttps://hef.org.nz/exemptions/

This link is motivational: http://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-what-is-it-all-about/

Exemption Form online: https://hef.org.nz/2012/home-schooling-exemption-form-now-online/

Coming Events: https://hef.org.nz/2013/some-coming-events-for-home-education-during-2013-2/

Beneficiaries: http://hef.org.nz/2013/where-to-for-beneficiary-families-now-that-the-social-security-benefit-categories-and-work-focus-amendment-bill-has-passed-its-third-reading