Family Discipleship & Homeschool Conference is this Friday/Saturday

Family Discipleship NZ

A reminder that the Family Discipleship & Homeschool Conference is this Friday/Saturday in Levin.

Registration for the children’s sessions closes tonight.

Speakers include: Kris Baines and Jason Winslade (home educating dads and pastor-elders of Redemption Church, Christcuhurch),
Robert Hunt (Creation Ministries Intl) “Dinosaurs and the Bible”, “Is Genesis History”
Tony Richardson, accountant – “Family finances”
Scott Brown (director National Center for Family Integrated Churches)
Kevin Swanson (Generations with Vision)



FRIDAY,  24  JULY  –  SATURDAY,  25  JULY  2015

UPDATE 16 July:  We still have spaces available in the children’s programme and have extended the cut-off date for registration for the children’s programme to Tuesday 21 July.


541 Queen St,   Levin,   Horowhenua


Come and receive fresh vision for your family, be encouraged in your efforts and  meet or reconnect with other like-minded Bible-based Christian folk. This year’s conference has been extended to two days so you have more time to fellowship.

Topics are all taught from a Biblical worldview and include:

  • HOMESCHOOLING – learn about or refresh your vision of why we do what we do;    raising children who will love Christ above all
  • FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP– what is it? Equipping mums and dads with Bible principles for passing on the baton of faith to our children
  • FAMILY INTEGRATED CHURCH – why the church and the family need each other
  • BEST  KEPT  SECRET – FAMILY  WORSHIP – why do it? & How? Practical tips for newbies and the old-hands
  • CREATION SCIENCE – exploring topics relevant to the whole family
  • FAMILY  BUSINESS  AND  ENTREPRENEURSHIP – how working together with your children can strengthen the ties that bind and provide unique discipleship opportunities
  • RURAL LIVING – hear how God has inspired other Christian homeschool families in this area


The 2015 conference is being organised by local Bible-based Christian homeschool parents and is supported by the organisations and businesses set out below the conference schedule further down this page.


  • Families who are already homeschooling or who are interested in homeschooling.
  • Grandparents, young adults, newly-weds, children of all ages.
  • Young people/singles interested in catching a vision for their own future.
  • Men and women interested in learning more about discipling their own children and passing on the baton of faith.
  • Parents keen to learn how to spread the Gospel and to pass that on to their children.


  • Local homeschool mums & dads
    Some of whom have been homeschooling for over 20 years and have learned a little bit along the way.
  • Jason Winslade
    Pastor-elder of Redemption Church, Christchurch, which is a family-integrated church.   Husband, father of 5.
  • Kris Baines
    Pastor-elder of Redemption Church, Christchurch.  Husband, father of 7, runs ministry with an emphasis on restoration of Biblical manhood.
  • Robert Hunt
    Creation Ministries International, NZ Branch.

PLUS Skype sessions featuring insights from:

  • Scott Brown
    Director of National Centre for Family-Integrated Churches, USA.
  • Kevin Swanson
    Director of Generations with Vision, Colorado, USA.


For most sessions, children are encouraged to stay in the main auditorium and learn alongside their parents. For many families, they will be unfamiliar with this practice, but it is a proven method of enabling the children to hear the vision their parents are hearing and catch it for themselves so the family is in unity. The speakers are experienced in catering to all-age audiences.

For some sessions, we do offer a children’s programme (ages 5-10 yrs old). Children must be registered by 14 July to participate in this.

Infants & Toddlers: Rooms for restless younger children and sleeping babies will be available. There will be an AV feed from the main auditorium.


This year, we are pleased to present a Friday evening concert suitable for the whole family.   The concert will feature quality ministry performances incorporating beautiful Gospel music and timeless hymns.

Saturday afternoon will feature a presentation from the 2015 Conference Choir.

Purchasing Resources

Book sales will be available on the topics addressed at the conference.  Payment can be by cash or internet banking.


The family and adult conference fees are no longer being charged.  Entry will be by donation which will be collected at the conference.

The costs for the children’s programme remain the same. 

UPDATE:   We still have spaces left on the children’s programme and can now accept registrations for this programme until Tuesday 21 July.  Only children registered  may attend the children’s programme.

Ticket Per Person Per Family Available until:
Children’s Programme (5-10 yrs) $5/child max $20 14 July

Registration Information:

For further info contact one of the following:

  • Bart 022-357-0714
  • Alison 06-342-7570
  • Sara 027-4907-969


No meals will be provided by conference organisers.

Please bring a plate to share for morning and afternoon teas.  Please also bring something for the shared meal on Saturday evening .e.g crock pot meals, bread, fruit, salads, soups and vegetables.

Supporters & Sponsers:

Family Discipleship NZ would like to thank the following organizations for their generous support:

Conference Schedule


8:00am     Doors open
9:00am     Welcome and Opening Address
9:30am    Why we do what we do (Kris Baines)
Building a Gospel-centred vision for home education

10:30am   MORNING TEA

11:00am   Skype Recording & Session (Kevin Swanson)

12:00pm   LUNCH

1:30pm  God’s Plan for Effective Discipleship (Kris Baines)
The critical relationship between church & family

2:15pm    Understanding Family Integrated Church (Jason Winslade)
  The realities of what it is, what it’s not and how it can happen.

3:00pm     AFTERNOON TEA

3:30pm    Men’s Session: The Need of the Hour                          
Men who will step up for the sake of the Gospel  

                      Women’s Session:

Insights from local experienced homeschool mums, discussion time.

4:15pm    Dinosaurs and the Bible            Speaker:  Robert Hunt

5:15pm    DINNER

7:00pm     Family Evening Concert
Presentations from families and guests

7:45pm      Prayer                                                  Speaker: Graham Smith



9:00am     WELCOME BACK

9:15am      Skype Recording  & Session      Speaker:   Scott Brown

10:15am    MORNING TEA

10:15am – 10:45am      Optional Workshop during morning tea
Introduction to Homeschooling & Approaches

10:45am   Family Economy Insights & Inspiration    Speaker:  Various
Rural Living:   One Family’s Testimony

11:45am    Structuring the Family  Economy          Speaker: Tony Richardson, Accountant
Pacticalities and structures for managing family finances enterprises and finances.

12:15pm    LUNCH

1:30pm       Is Genesis History?                          Speaker: Robert Hunt

2:15pm       As for me and my House                        Speaker: Kris Baines
Establishing a culture of worship within the home

3:00pm       Introducing the 30 Day Challenge


3.45pm       Panel Questions & Answers

4.15pm      Performance from Family Discipleship Conference Choir

4:30pm      Where To From Here                      Speaker: Jason Winslade
How to ensure that information leads to transformation

5:15pm    Closing Remarks


Please note:  This schedule is subject to change


Please share/forward this link with other home educators.


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:


Red Tape Cluster Buster Meetings and the Scoping Survey: