MoE statistics on Home education in New Zealand as at 1 July 2018


As at 1 July 2018, there were 6,298 home schooled students. These students belong to 3,395 families and represent 0.8% of total school enrolments as at 1 July 2018. Out of the 6,298 homeschoolers 67.4% were aged 12 or under, 69.1% had been home-schooled for less than 5 years, and only 3.8% had been home-schooled for 10 years or more.

European/P?keh? students are more likely to be homeschooled than any other ethnic group with 79.3% of all homeschoolers identifying as European/P?keh? compared to 49.1% of the total school population. Only 9.4% of homeschoolers identify as M?ori compared to 24.1% of the total school population, 2.7% of homeschoolers identify as Pacific compared to 9.8% of the total school population, and 2.2% of homeschoolers identify as Asian compared to 12.6% of the total school population. The ethnicity of 1.7% of homeschoolers is unknown.

The box below provides a number of downloads relating to the number of students in homeschooling.

Homeschooling Students Time Series Downloads: File Type & Size 

Homeschooling Turnover

Between 1 July 2017 and 1 July 2018 there was an overall net increase of 290 students; 1,320 students entered into homeschooling and 1,030 students finished homeschooling.

The average age of the 1,320 students entering into homeschooling was 9 years old, 85.9% were aged 12 or under and 0.6% were age 16 or above. Of the students entering homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 2018, 75.3% identified as European/P?keh?, 13.1% identified as M?ori, 2.7% identified as Pacific, 2.3% identified as Asian, and 0.4% of homeschoolers ethnicity were unknown.

The average age of the 1,030 students finishing homeschooling was 13 years old, 46.1% were aged 12 or under, and 23.5% were 16-years old or above. Of the students finishing homeschooling during the year ending 1 July 2018, 25.8% had been in homeschooling less than a year, 38.5% had been in homeschooling for 1 – 5 years, and 13.7% had been in homeschooling for 10 years or more. The average time spent in homeschooling of leaving students was 4.1 years.

The box below provides a number of one-on-one dimensional tables relating to homeschooling turnover.

Homeschooling One-on-One Table Downloads: File Type & Size 


Education Data Requests 
If you have any questions about education data then please contact the MoE at:
Email:      Requests EDK
Phone:    +64 4 463 8065


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:
