KEYSTONE Vol.XI No.V September 2005

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Feature Family

Matthias and Johanna Redepenning………………3

The Faith of Us Fathers

Family Worship: A Father’s Highest Duty

by Phil Lancaster………………………………7

Worldviews in Focus

Philosophy and other matters

by Craig Smith……………………………….10

Teaching Tips

Bible Memorization ??Do It Now

by Holly Sheen……………………………….12

Graduates Speak

Chief Among Desires

by Lanier Ivester……………………………..17

Bits of Books

Warning! Public Schools Aren’t for Christians.

Part 4 by Richard??Little Bear ?? Wheeler………20

When the Going Gets Tough

A Husband’s Perspective on His Wife’s Depression.

Part 2 by Steve Maxwell…………………….22

A Journey Through Depression. Part 2.

by Teri Maxwell……………………………..23

Exploring God’s Creation

Why Is It Important to Believe in a Literal Interpretation

of the Genesis Creation Account? Part

2 by Anna Bentley…………………………………….24