The Home Education Foundatiaon

The Home Education Foundation has been serving Christian and secular home educators all over New Zealand since 1986 through national conferences, a quarterly journal, a bi-monthly newsletter, various one-off publications, local work-shops and seminars, lobbying campaigns, phone counselling and more.

The Home Education Foundation is a charitable trust established to encourage parents to take up the option of educating their children at home and to support them in their task.

2 thoughts on “The Home Education Foundatiaon

  1. hello

    I am embarking on the mission to “Home School” 4 children who are members of my Family.

    Please any help or suggestions as how to tackle this correctly would be very welcome..


  2. Shirley, thanks for leaving your email address. I’ll email you a bunch of emails that you might find helpful.

    Shirley, I just tried to email you the emails but they all bounced. Please send an email to me: then I will send you a bunch of helpful emails.

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