Issacharian Daughters – ID051

pdf of Issacharian Daughters – ID051 – click on link below for correct layout and photos


Dear Girls,

Here is a note from an Issacharian Daughter regarding the last newsletter.

Dear Genevieve,

Wow! This newsletter was so good! I’m definitely going to print this one out.I’ve never realized that the definition of a leader is someone who has a follower. May the Lord continue to teach all of us to make our fathers leaders, and prepare to follow our husbands.

The simple answer sounds like something my Papa would come up with.I usually miss the obvious, but I’m learning to think better, to be a better helper.

I was reading something about the learning differences between males and females in Rousas J Rushdoony’s The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum which made me realize that our created, God-given abilities as women are to equip us to be better help meets. Through Rushdoony’s comments the Lord showed me that I shouldn’t be proud if I’m smarter than a man in a particular area. Instead I need to realize that God has given me this ability to be able to better serve Him through the help I can give my father and one day, Lord willing, my husband.

It occurred to me, that if a man had some task to perform, he wouldn’t want an incompetent assistant or someone who constantly needed his oversight. Neither would he want a helper who constantly needed him by their side, assisting the assistant. Instead the perfect assistant would be an expert who was also submissive to his desires and directions.

The grace which God has given to us girls and women, by giving us talents, abilities and intelligence, is to make us “super helpers!”

In my own life, I can see how my father is able to multitask by giving instructions and delegating tasks to his wife, and daughters (and his sons too!). In this way, Papa is able to accomplish so much more than if he worked alone.

It’s as if Papa is the composer, and we are all instrumentalists, skilled in what we do.And by God’s grace, we make beautiful music.

Love, your sister in Christ, Erin Mallon Southbury, Connecticut

The next newsletter is attached as a pdf and the text follows this note. To see the newsletter with the photos and formatting you will need to open the pdf.


GenevieveMonday, 13 August 2007

Dear Girls,

Christian Romance Novels

I want to introduce you to a friend of mine and have her share a testimony with us. I first met Kedesh at a Girls 4 Christ Conference north of Auckland in New Zealand in 2004 [note for readers in New Zealand, there are two G4C Conferences planned for early 2008. One in the North Island and one in the South Island. Watch this space for further details]. And I had the privilege of spending more time with her in 2006 at another G4C Conference where we were both leaders. If I were to pick one word to describe Kedesh, it might be charisma, but why limit myself to one word? Kedesh is a young woman of passion and energy, zeal and zest. In some ways she is like Lowry’s Seasoning Salt. We don’t have Lowry’s in New Zealand, but in many homes in the USA food is boring, mealtimes aren’t appealing, and eating is mundane without Lowry’s. Kedesh brings to life what Lowry’s brings to food, with her sparkly eyes and huge smile, her creativeness and dynamo personality, she is great fun to have around. The best part about Kedesh is that she is on fire for her Saviour! This means that her passion and energy is harnessed towards glorifying her Lord and striving towards Christlikeness. I want to let her introduce herself, and then she will share her testimony. Perhaps by the end you will feel like she is not only my friend but yours too!


Greetings and salutations!

My name is Kedesh. I am 18 years old. I have the huge privilege of being the third daughter of Roger and Meryl Simmons, whom I fondly refer to as my best friends. I have six siblings: two older sisters, Michaiah (22) and Amana (20); two younger brothers, Jasher (16) and Zethan (12); and two younger sisters, Rhesa (10) and Nissi (8), whom I love very dearly. We have all been home schooled. My two older sisters live away from home, so I am the eldest daughter/child at home and take the responsibilities of that role.

God has recently been convicting me to turn my heart toward my Father, my family and my home. I have never been career-oriented but have often worked outside the home for various Christian women and their families on a part-time basis. The Lord has been gradually opening my eyes to see the needs in my own home, needs that He desires me to meet before accepting work elsewhere. Both of my parents run home businesses, my daddy is still building the house we currently live in, and I have four younger siblings in whose lives I long to have a greater input. So, as you can imagine, there is always plenty to do. So far it has been a delightful journey! Already I am seeing the fruit of my labour. I am also beginning to comprehend just how much I still have to learn in order to be capable of the highest calling of being a wife, mother and home-maker someday, God willing.

My passions include dancing, acting, singing, reading (particularly the Bible), health (which includes food; fitness; and spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being), interior decorating, photography, craft, clothing and hospitality.

My family and I reside in Swanson, West Auckland, New Zealand, on a four-acre plot of farmland and bush with a beautiful view overlooking West Auckland.

Your sister in Christ,


Testimony In recent years I have become an avid reader. With the guidance of my discerning parents, I have always tried to choose books that upheld Godly morals. My favourite genre of books is historical Christian romance. An author or two whose works I have read were a genuine spiritual blessing to me. I have gleaned much from their incredible talent and the characters they so vividly brought to life.

But as 1 Corinthians 6v12 so excellently states, “‘Everything is permissible for me’ -but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible for me’ -but I will not be mastered by anything”. Although I had always ensured that the books were written by Christian authors, and they usually contained powerful depictions of God’s redemptive love and grace, many of them also had, woven throughout the pages, moral standards that were lower than the standards I held to. The characters would take up much of my thought life as I pondered what was going to happen to whom. Sometimes, instead of focusing on reality and the present, I poured my mental energy into the fictional characters and their situations. I would also often daydream about my own ‘Prince Charming’ and imagine the day he would appear on the horizon on a handsome steed with a red rose in his hand, an engagement ring in his pocket and promises for a happy ever-after future.

At the same rate as my appetite for the novels increased, so did my standards for the books I consumed decrease.

One day, as I visited one of my favourite websites, I came across an article written by an older woman regarding Christian romance novels and the dangers therein. She shared her own testimony in a simple and straightforward manner. To say the least, I was challenged. But my stubborn will would not yet bend.

Not long after, I attended a camp and spoke with a young woman who shared with me why she had abstained from reading romance novels for a year. She said they only “stirred up feelings that were best left unstirred.” As she said those words, God spoke Song of Solomon 2v7 (3v5, 8v4) to my heart, where it says, “Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.”

The crunch point came during one of my ‘quiet times’ when I came across the following verse in James 4v6: “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and does not do it, sins.” The passage haunted me for days (as did my conscience, strengthened by the Holy Spirit). I had a constant battle at war within me, until at last I determined in my mind, “I will not read any more unedifying romance novels.” I took the novel I was in the middle of out of my handbag, replaced it with a more edifying, non-fiction book and gave the novel back to the friend I had borrowed it from. After I had submitted my stubborn will to the good Lord’s perfect will, a peace that passed all understanding came over me (Philippians 4v7). The battle that had raged within me ceased.

As a result of that decision, I am now directing more of my mental energy and thought space towards praying, as God commands us to do in 1 Thessalonians 5v17, “Pray continually.” Instead of imagining my ‘Prince Charming’ with his handsome steed on the horizon, I am now praying in earnest for my future husband’s character development and spiritual growth.

One of the concerns I had when I began to feel convicted about abstaining from the less Godly novels was that I would have no other decent material to read. I felt God say to me, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself” (Matthew 6v34). Sure enough, I have too many books waiting for me to read! Indeed, the One who calls you is faithful and He will do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5v24).

Thanks Kedesh for that great testimony! May we all be so conscientious in the material we choose to read.

For the Greater Glory of God through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,

Genevieve Smith

Issacharian Daughter


I have sent this email to girls who have embraced a vision of victorious daughterhood as well as those who may be thinking about doing so (and even to some girls who may just like some encouragement regarding different areas of home life). Some of the girls are in the USA, UK, Australia and other parts of the world. Most are in New Zealand. You are welcome to forward this email on to others so long as you do so in its entirety. If you do not want to receive these emails please just send a return email to me stating that fact. If you know of other girls who would be encouraged by receiving these emails, feel free to forward the email to them or send me their email address.

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