The Fair Go School Ad Awards are back for another year!

The Fair Go School Ad Awards are back for another year!

Primary and secondary schools from around the country are being invited to show us what you have got and enter the student ad awards.

Prizes galore!
Fair Go is offering cash prizes of $2,000 for first and $500 each for second and third.
Fantastic … but wait there’s more!

Canon are getting behind the awards, and the winners of both primary and secondary categories will win their new high end, High Definition camera HF10 – it’s not even on the market yet!

The runners up will each get an FS10 Canon Handicam.


Unitec’s School of Performing and Screen Arts in Auckland is offering the winning secondary school $2000 study awards for up to five members of the winning team.

And, like last year, they are offering technical advice if you’re putting in an entry. For information CLICK HERE

So getting down to business … the ad briefs are:

Secondary schools
It’s election year and we want you to come up with your own, fictitious, political party that you’re trying to get people to vote for. It could be a single-issue party or a youth party or one that appeals to everyone. Remember you need to convince people why they should vote for you.

For the full secondary creative brief and entry form CLICK HERE

Primary and intermediate schools
We want you to dream up an ad that sells your home town. It could be in the style of a travel/holiday destination ad, or a branding campaign (think of ones you might have seen before, like: “Hamilton: It’s all right here”). Your job is to convince us your town is the best place to be. Try not to show us the obvious landmarks – let us see your town through young people’s eyes.

For the full primary creative brief and entry form CLICK HERE

You can also check out last year’s finalists and winners for inspiration! The deadline for entries is Friday August 1 2008.

N.B. The entry forms and briefs are in pdf format so you will need Adobe Acrobat pdf reader to view them