HSLDA’s @home e-vents…

Coming up this Week on
HSLDA’s @home e-vents…

Monday (Today in NZ)

Educating for eternity: On Monday, August 3, at 9:00 p.m. (ET), Homeschooling pioneers Rick and Marilyn Boyer offer a scriptural method for passing on the vision of powerful Christian living from generation to generation through family discipleship. Find advice and encouragement in this webinar. Register now >>

Tuesday (Wednesday in NZ)

Get organized: On Tuesday, August 4, at 9:00 p.m. (ET), HSLDA Early Years coordinator Vicki Bentley will help you prioritize your family’s home education and focus your organizational efforts. Don‘t miss Part II of “Getting Organized: Creating a Lifestyle Learning Environment”! Bringing a wealth of practical tips and advice, Vicki will address some of the organizational challenges unique to homeschoolers. (If you missed the first session in Vicki’s “Getting Organized” series, don’t worry! You can access the recorded e-vent through our archives link.) Register now >>

Wednesday (Thursday in NZ)

Go beyond textbooks: Before mass compulsory schooling, students learned to investigate, reason, and form independent opinions. On Wednesday, August 5, at 9:00 p.m. (ET), author Rick Boyer shares the exciting ways that today’s home educating parents have continued that tradition by getting beyond packaged curriculum to help their children experience real books, real experiences, real relationships—real learning! Register now >>

Florida homeschool law: On Wednesday, HSLDA attorney Tj Schmidt will address homeschool legal issues specific to the state of Florida. Learn how to successfully navigate policies and regulations regarding compulsory school age, notice of intent, scholarship reports, and attendance records. If you’re an HSLDA member in the Sunshine State, you won’t want to miss this free webinar at 3:00 p.m. (ET)!
Register now >>

Thursday (Friday in NZ)

Classical writing: Then, on Thursday, August 6 at 9:00 p.m., discover how the Greek tradition of progymnasmata can give your children a classical understanding of writing and oratory. Author and teacher Kathy Weitz explores this incorporative method of teaching to make writing a versatile tool in your children’s education, with a focus on the beginning stages of writing instruction from 3rd to 7th grade.

There is still space for you to join this week’s e-vents-sign up now to reserve your “seat”! To register >>

If you have any questions, please contact the @home e-vent coordinator at webinars@hslda.org.