Faith & Family Seminar
Date: 16th October 2010
Venue: Covenant Presbyterian Churc, Rogers Road, Manurewa
Those from among you shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. ~ Isaiah 58:12
‘Faith & Family’ is about encouraging a godly heritage for the Lord. We want to inspire parents with the marvellous plan and purpose that God has for the family.
The family is far more than just a place to live, eat, and sleep. It’s a place of Christian discipleship, hospitality, evangelism, education, and national influence. The battle isn’t outside our homes, it’s taking place inside. Fathers abdicating, mothers usurping, children idle and rebellious … this is where a fresh vision is needed. This is where fathers and mothers must dare to stand against the cultural attacks on the family. We live in times when the family is degraded, devalued, and often defeated. Let’s dare to believe God’s Word and be families that will influence and challenge the social and cultural norms that surround us.
Our family wants to encourage you to continue in all that you are doing with your family and inspire you with an even broader vision and give you practical ideas that can impact your family for generations to come.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Murray & Sharon Drinnan
About us
Murray has been married to Sharon for 26 years and they have eight children, one married and seven at home . Both come from non-Christian backgrounds and were saved in 1983 whilst living together unmarried. The Lord saved a work mate and one of Murray’s brothers, and brought them to speak into our lives, along with Murray’s praying mother (who had been saved 5 years earlier).
They have 17 years of homeschooling experience under their belt. Murray has a desire to encourage parents, particularly fathers, to get passionate about their families and to invest their energies into them.
They are ordinary parents just like you who want to encourage others in the raising of their families and in establishing a Godly heritage.
Faith & Family’s logo is a pomegranate tree. The pomegranate is a symbol of righteousness and fruitfulness.
Painting by: Maria Sibylla Merian ca. 1665
Saturday Programme:
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome
9:15 Session One – Get Thinking!
Murray Drinnan – Generational Thinking
Caring for the elderly, supporting the solo mum, the children’s education and instruction in God’s Word … Where does all this happen? THE FAMILY!
10:30 Morning Tea provided
11:00 Session Two – Get Purposeful!
Workshop Choices:
Murray Drinnan – The Family Altar
Resources and ideas for teaching scripture, doctrine, and wisdom.
Sharon Drinnan – The Family Traditions
Creative ideas for teaching spiritual truths within family traditions.
12:15 Lunch (not provided)
2:00 Session Three – Get Understanding!
Murray Drinnan
Understand the Culture – The New Tolerance
The meaning of the word ‘tolerance’ has changed and has a whole new application to our society.
3:15 Afternoon Tea provided
3:45 Session Four – Get Asking!
Questions & Answer session
4:30 Close
ALL ARE WELCOME but please note, talks presented from a Christian Worldview
Registration Form
Registration for:
Single Adult $ 20.00 13-18 year olds free
Couple $ 30.00
Deposit enclosed $10.00
Balance to pay:_________
Method of Payment
Cheque (payable to M & S Drinnan)
Internet Banking (preferred) – please enter your name followed by FF & seminar location in details & don’t forget to post your registration form
Bank Account: please email the Drinnans for the bank account details
Name |
Address |
Phone |
Note: Deposit is non-refundable
Upon receipt of your registration, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not have an email, please also enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope and we will post out confirmation.
We will accept registrations on the day of the seminar but it would be helpful if you could register sooner.
This is a seminar for parents. As such, there will be no facilities or provision made for children under 13 yrs. Please make your own arrangements. Breastfed babies welcome.
Please fill in form and send to
Faith and Family
353 Oruanui Road
RD 1
Taupo 3377
New Zealand