
Keystone LogoThe Home Education Foundation has been serving Christian and secular home educators all over New Zealand since 1986 through national conferences, a quarterly journal, a bi-monthly newsletter, various one-off publications, local work-shops and seminars, lobbying campaigns, phone counseling and more.

(Home Education, Home Schooling, Homeschooling in (NZ) New Zealand for Kiwis, Christian home education nz)

The Home Education Foundation acts in a co-ordinating/facilitating capacity for:

* Christian Home Schoolers of NZ (CHomeS) and its bimonthly journal – Keystone
* The Foundation’s monthly newsletter (TEACH = Thorough Education Achieved in a Caring Home) – TEACH Bulletin
* The TEACH Forum, an annual home educators leadership workshop
* The Home Schooling Advice Network (telephone service)
* The Foundation’s Research, Watchdog and Public Relations functions
* The annual Home Education Awareness Week
* The Foundation’s extensive advice, correspondence and networking within New Zealand and overseas
* Craig and Barbara Smith being available to speak to groups anywhere in NZ
* NZ Home Education
Coming Events
* The email discussion group for all NZ home educators
* The Christian Home Educators email discussion group
* The Christian Classical Home Educators discussion group
* Diana Waring History Alive email discussion group.
For those who are using the Waring resources in New Zealand.
* TEACH-eForum (Thorough Education Achieved in a Caring Home) for those encouraging others to Home Educate

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