Letter to supporters of the Home Education Foundation

1 November 2011


Thank you for your support of the Home Education Foundation over the last four months. We really appreciate it.

Craig stopped working on 28 July when he had his MRI and we knew that it was going to be something big by the way everyone reacted before he even got off the MRI table. We sent out a letter to all our Keystone and TEACH Bulletin subscribers informing them that we would be taking a break from producing these for the rest of this year while we sought a cure for Craig. We promised to either carry on next year or give refunds to everyone.

To read Craig’s diary, read updates about Craig’s health, see Charmagne’s wedding, listen to Craig’s funeral and the tributes at the afternoon tea via Livestream, read the tributes and the one from Geoff Botkin that wasn’t read out at the afternoon tea then go to this link: https://hef.org.nz/2011/craig-smith-26-january-1951-to-30-september-2011/.

I am missing Craig terribly yet God is my rock and strength as I trust in Him. Psalm 62:5-8. I know many of you are also missing Craig. I hear it from people who ring up to talk to him about their current issues. Craig will be missed by the home education movement in New Zealand for a long time.

I have had to think about what I should be doing now. I have three little ones still at home. They are 13, 11 and 6, and their training and home education must come first. Alanson, our grown up son, has moved back home and has taken on many of the responsibilities with the children. Craig and I were involved jointly in the Home education Foundation and it has been so much a part of our lives for so long now. I don’t want to give it all up. Alanson being at home now will enable me to carry on some of the Home Education Foundation functions like: the website www.hef.org.nz; the email discussion groups-hefnetnz, chednetnz, ccednet, dwha and TEACH-eForum; the books we sell; difficult MoE and ERO issues (which Craig was so good at-I have a lot to learn, but have already had a couple of cases since Craig died); and a Titus 2 ministry which would include counselling-home education and family/parenting issues and speaking at a limited number of workshops each year.

I have decided that I cannot keep doing Keystone or TEACH Bulletin. The Home Education Foundation trustees and I are considering two options: first that someone else does them (in which case your subscriptions will be extended out) or second that they cease being published altogether (in which case we will send out refunds).

I cannot take all the phone calls from people starting out like Craig used to. He would get a number each week and he would be on the phone to them for 1-2 hours at a time. This will take up too much of my time as these usually come during the day when I now will want to be with my children. So I will be referring these calls to local support groups. I would like to get a good list on our website of the main contact people in each area to make it easier for new people.

I have two projects that I would like to begin working on soon:

1. The History of Home Education in New Zealand. Craig has written a bit and several people answered my call for this and sent in their view of the history in their area. If you would like to write something then please send it to me over the next few months.

2. God took Craig home when his work on earth was finished. So there will be nothing new from Craig but he does have a lot of written work on his computer that I would like to publish over the next few months.

Thanks again for your support. It is greatly needed for keeping the website going and helping me to keep helping home educators in New Zealand.

In Christ’s service,

Barbara Smith

Home Education Foundation

PO Box 9064

Palmerston North 4441

New Zealand

ph. +64 6 357-4399


Serving, promoting, defending and publishing for Christian and secular home educators in NZ and overseas since 1986.

Unless we press the crown rights of the King [Jesus Christ] in every realm, we shall not retain them in any

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