Every child and every family is different!

I strongly oppose the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill and would ask the Committee to reject it.

It completely discriminates against Beneficiaries and goes against our Human Rights, to decide what is best for our children.

Take for  example a homeschooling mother who home schools her 4 & 7 year old children and suddenly loses her husband. She therefore needs to go on a benefit. Why is she then suddenly FORCED to send her 4 year old into ECE, when she has been doing a wonderful job of teaching at home?

Why is it decided FOR HER, that because she has to go on a Benefit, she is not good enough to teach her own child? What makes her suddenly incapable of providing her child with a safe, educational environment?

Most people who are on a Benefit are not on there by choice, but that doesn’t make them a bad parent, or suddenly make them incapable of providing a loving, educational and challenging environment for their children. There are many children who would not cope with being separated from their parent at age 3 or 4. Every child and every family is different!

This bill is trying to make a catch-all for all Beneficiaries, which is not right.

You need to support and educate the few who are struggling with parenting, not discriminate against the majority who are doing a wonderful job at bringing up their children, but still need financial support to do it.

Please reject this Bill, it does nothing but undermine parents and abuse our Human Rights.

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