This is invasive legislation discriminating against excellent parents and removing their freedom to raise their children in a secure loving environment and not going to achieve better lives for neglected children

I Strongly OPPOSE Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Bill

This Bill is implying that all beneficiaries are inadequate parents who are unable to make responsible decisions for their children.  The reality is that many widows, widowers and solo parents are excellent, responsible, dedicated parents providing loving, secure and stimulating environments for their pre-schoolers and other children.  They are the BEST carers for their children and should be encouraged and supported in their role, rather than penalised for making the commitment to raise their children.

Those parents that are struggling should have help and support available to them. But to legislate against beneficiaries as a group is a blatant infringement of human rights and another invasion into families.  It is discrimination on the basis of income!

Although wanting to improve the lives of abused and neglected children is what responsible New Zealanders want, this Bill will not achieve it.  Rather, it will cause insecurity and stress for vulnerable pre-schoolers forced to be separated from their parents.   The flow on effect will be paid for by the health and penal systems.

The real cases need to be identified, and the real neglected children need to be helped.  The one-size-fits-all approach will not solve the problems, just as the repeal of section 59 has not reduced abuse. 

Please see that this is invasive legislation discriminating against excellent parents and removing their freedom to raise their children in a secure loving environment and not going to achieve better lives for neglected children.  Please reject this Bill.

Yours sincerely,

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