Getting Started in Home Schooling and keeping Going: Christchurch 6 and 7 April 2011

Find out about Home Schooling and your children’s educational options at a workshop in South Christchurch. Come to the talks or come just to have a chat.

Post earthquake schooling options:

Date: 6 April 2011

Venue: Opawa Baptist,285 Wilsons Rd, Waltham, Christchurch 8023
Cost: Free. Pop in to talk or stay for the whole day.

Contact: Barbara Phone 06 357-4399, email


9:00am Registration
9:15am  2 Electives
1.  Available for general talk/counseling Craig
2. “Getting Started in Home Education” Barbara
10:30 Morning tea
11:00 Two Electives
1. “The Vital Nature of Reading Aloud” Craig
2. Available for general talk/counseling Barbara
12:15 lunch break  Bring your own lunch – drinks available
12:45 Two electives
1.  “Teaching your children to read” Craig
2. “Keeping Going in Home Education” Barbara
2:00 afternoon tea
2:30 Two electives
1. How to fill out an exemption form” Craig
2.  Available for general talk/counseling Barbara 

3:30 Question Time and help with filling out individual exemption forms
4:00pm Conference finishes


Workshop North Christchurch

Date: 7 April

Venue: Bishopdale Reformed Church, 90 Highsted Rd, Bishopdale, Christchurch

Contact: Barbara Phone 06 357-4399 email

Cost: $15.00 per family including grandparents, or $5.00 per session


9:00am Registration
9:15am  2 Electives
1. “Home Education — Getting things into Perspective” Craig
2. “Avoiding Burnout – Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough” Barbara
10:30 Morning tea
11:00 2 Electives
1. “Getting Started, dealing with MOE/ERO, pulling children out of School, doing exemption form etc” Craig
2. “Training Our Children’s minds”, “The Tools of Learning” and “Motivation” Barbara
12:15 lunch break  Bring your own lunch – drinks available
12:45 2 electives
1.  “Choosing or Developing Your Own Curriculum” Craig
2. “Books, Great Books and More Books – Creating your own library; how to use it” Barbara
2:00 afternoon tea
2:30 Keynote message
“Home Educating Through Secondary and Preparing For Tertiary Education and the Workforce” Craig
3:30 Question Time and help with filling out individual exemption forms
4:00pm Conference finishes

For help with filling out Exemption

forms see Craig during all the breaks

and at the end of the conferences.

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