Book List 12 – updated 28/03/15

Book list 12

As books sell they are being taken off the lists,  so all books listed are still available.

Some books Ex Red Cross book Fair and ex library books

Mostly books are $1.00 (some are $5.00). Smallest order that I will post will be $5.00 plus postage. Can join lists together. Please state which list book comes from.

Topaz Leon Uris 0-553-14745-1 Bantam Books
Lost Shepherd Agnes Sanford 0-912106-77-8 Bridge Publishing
Flambards – hard cover KM Peyton 0-14-03-0892-X Puffin Books
Hi Fella Era Zistel None Scholastic Books
Overture to Death Ngaio Marsh None Jove HBJ
The Fixer Bernard Malamud 0-14-002714-9 Penguin Books
The Little Green Frog Beth Coombe Harris 0-8024-1480-X Moody Press
Earthfasts William Mayne 0-14-03-0394-4 Penguin Books
Poppa Passes The Adventures of the Vedgie People AW Reed None AH and AW Reed
The Blue Bottle Club$5.00 Penelope J Stokes 0-8499-1573-2 Word Publishing
The Stuarts JP Kenyon None Fontana
The Best of Enemies Nancy Bond 0-689-50108-0 McCelland and Stewart
The Lothian Run Mollie Hunter 241-01991-5 Northumberland Press
Roget’s Thesaurus Rodget None Penguin Books
Greenyards Joan Lingard 0-241-10523-4 Hamish Hamilton
The Wind off the Small Isles Mary Stewart 340-04292-3 Hodder and Stoughton
Flambards-soft cover KM Peyton 0-19-271278-0 Oxford
The Salzburg Connection Helen Maclnnes None Collins
The Apprentice Saint Louise Collis None Michael Joseph
Climbing Higher People None Houghton Mifflin Co

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Will work out postage when you let me know what you would like.


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