The Christian Counselor’s Manual

By Jay E Adams


A companion and sequel volume to “Competent to Counsel”, this volume includes indexes, a detailed table of contents, and many diagrams and forms, all of which make this one of the best reference books for Christian counselors.

The Christian Counselor’s Manual is a companion and sequel to the author’s influential Competent to Counsel. It takes the approach of nouthetic counseling introduced in the earlier volume and applies it to a wide range of issues, topics, and techniques in counseling: *Who is qualified to be a counselor? *How can counselees change? *How does the Holy Spirit work? *What role does hope play? *What is the function of language? *How do we ask the right questions? *What often lies behind depression? *How do we deal with anger? *What is schizophrenia?

These and hundreds more questions are answered in this comprehensive resource for the Christian counselor. A full set of indexes, a detailed table of contents, and a full complement of diagrams and forms make this an outstanding reference book for Christian counselors.

Book Size: Medium
Page Count: 496

Paper Edge Description: White
Size: 5.7 wide x 8.8 high x 1.5 deep in. | 145 wide x 223 high x deep 38 mm
Weight: 1.24 lb | 562 gms


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