Advancing with NHERI and Dr. Ray

National Home Education Research Institute


mailing: PO Box 13939  Salem, Oregon 97309

shipping: 925 Cottage St. NE  Salem, Oregon 97301

(503) 364-1490, fax (503) 364-2827, Dr. Ray personal:

Dear Friend,

You may think western Oregon is always rainy, cloudy, misty, and cold. That thinking is what keeps our southern neighbors away (smile). But, we hit 107 degrees on a Tuesday in July then 108 the next day, and we are headed for 92 today – are we ever glad we do not have a water shortage here in Salem, Oregon! I am not, however, very concerned about physical heat. It will not stop parents from making the best choices they can for their children’s education; that is, their discipleship. Keep in mind, though, there is another form of heat that is placing children and family solidarity at risk.

I am detecting that heat and pressure are building from those who want to be in control of the teaching, training, and indoctrination of your children, rather than you being in charge. Consider four examples.

1.      A New Hampshire Court orders Christian homeschooled girl to attend public school. Although excelling in her academic education and being well-rounded in her social skills, the court is reportedly concerned about the strength of her Christian beliefs.[1]

2.      Badman report in England: Graham Badman, a former Managing Director of Children, Families and Education in the County of Kent’s, submitted his June 2009 Report to the Secretary of State on the Review of Elective Home Education in England. He proposes draconian changes in English home education law. He claims, on a faulty basis, that homeschooling should be extensively regulated in England. He makes recommendations that government officials be empowered to compel entry into the homes of families engaged in home education and interrogate each child.[2]

3.      Professor Robert Kunzman of Indiana University publishes a book, Write These Laws on Your Children: Inside the World of Conservative Christian Homeschooling, in 2009 and argues that all homeschool children should be compelled by the government to take achievement tests (against the will of their parents?).[3]

4.      Missouri law controls more homeschoolers. Under a new Missouri law (2009), compulsory attendance now extends to age 17 unless a child has earned 16 high school credits. This affects homeschoolers; it gives the state more control over parents and children.

I was recently flying home from serving as an expert witness in a court case in the Midwest and considering such examples as the above-mentioned. Related to that, I would like to offer you some brief comments on research and its importance. I remember once wondering whether I, as a Christian, was simply trying to selfishly justify or rationalize my participation in research,[4] which I enjoy doing. So I asked a nationally respected man if he could think of any scriptures that related to the concept of research. Although he could not give me the passage citation, I carefully listened to the rendition of the scripture that came to his mind. I searched all kinds of words and phrases but could not find it in the word of God. Months later, I received a letter from a Christian organization and, lo and behold, the following scripture was mentioned:

Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches. A wise man is strong, Yes, a man of knowledge increases strength; For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, And in a multitude of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 24:3-6, NKJV).

It was the scripture that the man had tried to quote for me. What is the application? I offer one. You might think that everyone should simply respect your right and authority to direct the education and upbringing of your children because you know this is a clear precept from God. Or you might be a non-Christian classical liberal who believes in a very limited government, and come to the same conclusion. Do not keep dreaming this way. Most judges who govern courts, legislators, professors of education, media reporters, professors of political science, and our culture (both in the United States and in many other nations) are far – very far – from biblical in their thinking and practice.

Facts, figures, and statistics from research that clarify and support biblical concepts and practices are knowledge that increases power for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Research built from right thinking can be an effective tool against wrong thinking and, bluntly put, malevolent attacks against parents and their children.

Along these lines, I am happy to tell you that a new nationwide study that NHERI has conducted, with major support from a well-known homeschool organization, was recently released. I am confident you will be enthused and blessed by the findings of the report. You may visit us and click on the link at the top of the page to read some of the findings of the research.

If you would like a copy of the full-length research report – in the form of a book –

please be sure to check the box on the enclosed form.

In addition to the new study, following are just a few examples of the many things that NHERI has been able to do for you and families around the world during the past several months:

4/22/09  KHRO Radio of El Paso, Texas interviews Dr. Ray.

4/27/09 Focus on the Family ministry gets research statistics from NHERI.

5/5/09 NHERI helps homeschoolers in Maine with research to help deal with  bad proposed legislation.

5/6/09 Dr. Ray observes a homeschool parent and children to prepare for a court case in North Carolina.

5/7/09 WBAL Radio of Baltimore, Maryland interviews Dr. Ray.

6/2/09 The Washington Times national newspaper interviews Dr. Ray

5/27/09 Dr. Ray prepares as an expert witness and arrives for a court case in Mojave, California.

6/5-6/09 Dr. and Mrs. Betsy Ray serve as keynote speakers at annual convention of Christian Home Educators of the Fresno Area, California.

6/15/09 Dr. Ray assists speaker/author R.C. Sproul, Jr. prepare to publicly debate an American university professor while in the United Kingdom.

7/9/09 Albany Herald newspaper of Albany, Georgia interviews Dr. Ray

7/23/09 Radio 940 AM of Norwalk, Iowa interviews Dr. Ray.

7/30/09 Dr. Ray serves as an expert witness in court case in Missouri.

8/4/09 Atlanta Journal & Constitution, Georgia, quotes Dr. Ray and cites NHERI’s research.

8/7/09 NHERI helps a doctoral student in Pennsylvania.

8/13/09 Generations radio program interviews Dr. Ray.

8/14/09 Dr. Ray testifies as an expert witness in court case in Minnesota.

8/18/09 Carroll County Times, Westminster, Maryland, interviews Dr. Ray

9/10/09 Il Sole 24 Ore, a national newspaper in Italy, interviews Dr. Ray.

Keep in mind that one study here and there does not, by itself, make for the effective production and dissemination of important research. Your ongoing financial support, encouraging words, and prayer keep us at NHERI alive and healthy, doing research and presenting it to the media, courts, legislators, and professors – and to skeptical grandparents, neighbors, and friends.

Please prayerfully consider a gift today. You can do it simply by one of the following methods:

1.      Put a check in the enclosed envelope.

2.      Contribute online at (at the left, click “online store”).

Godspeed into the autumn.


Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.


P.S. We can really use your financial and other forms of encouragement soon.

You may quickly contribute online then send an e-mail telling us which item you would like us to send you (see donation form) Click Here to Contribute Online (that is,

Please be sure to mark your donation form (below) or e-mail us at to let us know what you would like us to send to you.

NHERI is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization – contributions are tax-deductible.

NHERI News, September 2009, friend46  over —–>

N • H • E • R • I

Facts   Support   Encouragement

A “Friend of NHERI commits to supporting the ongoing work of NHERI by giving at least $5 per month for one year and will:

1. Receive Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling: Facts and Stats on the Benefits of Home School, Dr. Ray’s newest book

2. Receive the journal Home School Researcher (HSR) to keep up on the facts, 4 issues.

3. Receive an online password to access all back issues of HSR and other research.

4. Receive news letters from Dr. Brian D. Ray, the home school researcher and a homeschool father of eight.

5. Be promoting and defending homeschooling locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally in the media, in courts, with policy makers, and with the general public.

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If your one-time contribution is $20 or more, would like us to send you one of the following? If yes, which one?

yes ?     no ?    New Study full-length book – Homeschooling Across America: Academic Achievement and

Demographic Characteristics – expected release date January 2010

yes ?     no ? Home Education Reason and Research – new full-color booklet summarizing research

If your one-time contribution or annual commitment is $120 or more and you would you like us to send you one of the following, please check which one (and if you are renewing, please request we send you something):

yes ?        no ?    Worldwide Guide to Homeschooling: Facts and Stats on the Benefits of Home School (ret. $10.99)

yes ?        no ?    New Study full-length book – see note just above

Total Enclosed    $___________

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Please make your tax-deductible contributions payable to the nonprofit 501(c)(3) NHERI and mail them with this form to:

National Home Education Research Institute

PO Box 13939    Salem, Oregon 97309

phone (503) 364?1490   fax (503) 364?2827

[1] Chagnon, Pete. (2009, August 26). New Hampshire Court orders Christian homeschooled girl to attend public school. Retrieved 9/7/09 from

[2] Badman, Graham. (2009, June). Report to the Secretary of State on the Review of Elective Home Education in England. (Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed on 11 June 2009.) London: The Stationery Office. Retrieved June 15, 2009 from

[3] Mathews, Jay. (2009, August 21). Three smart rules for home school regulation. Retrieved September 7, 2009 from

[4] Research (definition): “studious inquiry or examination; especially : investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws” (retrieved September 11, 2009 from