September 8, 2009

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You Can Help!The Home School Foundation supports homeschool families in need. Whether it’s a widow or a family suffering after a natural disaster, HSF is there to help. You can give directly, or through our Clicks For Homeschooling program; online merchants contribute to HSF when you shop!

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Coming up this Week on e-events

Tuesday: Designing a High School Program

On Tuesday, September 8 at 9:00 p.m ET, join Dr. James Stobaugh to get help planning your students’ high school program. Dr. Stobaugh recognizes that his challenge can be daunting—the problem is not a shortage of choices, but rather an over-abundance of good choices! Dr. Stobaugh explains how you can craft an educational curriculum that will make the high school years fruitful and productive for your students. Register now >>

Wednesday: 10 Reasons You May Want to Quit Homeschooling—but Shouldn’t!

After counseling thousands of homeschool families for the past 23 years, HSLDA attorney Chris Klicka, homeschool father of seven children, gives down-to-earth encouragement to stay the course. On Wednesday, September 9, at 2:00 p.m. ET, get practical solutions to common homeschooling problems regarding issues like sports, finances, unsupportive spouses, and special needs students. After Chris tackles these issues, you’ll walk away from this session renewed and refreshed! Register now >>

There is still space for you to join this week’s e-vents-sign up now to reserve your “seat”! To register >>

If you have any questions, please contact the @home e-vent coordinator at