Chris Klicka, former senior counsel of HSLDA and attorney for Illinois, has been admitted to a hospital in Colorado Springs. Chris was in Colorado at the national Leadership HSLDA conference. Chris has struggled with MS for years, yet has faithfully served the Lord and the homeschooling community. It does not look good for Chris. He is in critical condition.
Please pray that his body would respond. And pray for peace for his dear wife Tracy and family. And pray for wisdom for the doctors treating him. Chris has always had a burden for the lost, sharing Jesus with all who will listen. Please pray that even now the Lord would use this to regenerate the lost.
We talked with Chris at the 2005 national Leadership HSLDA Conference. He really wanted to come out to New Zealand and Australia to encourage and challenge Home Educators over here. But the leadership of the HSLDA said it would be too hard on Chris’s health. We agreed with them. Chris has a burden for Home Educators around the world and has had an influence in Home Educators lives all around the world. Please pray for him and for his family who are gathering around his hospital bed.