Diana Waring conferences in NZ – You can Still Register on the Day

Online registrations are now closed for Christchurch and Auckland
You can still register for Palmerston North and Hastings online
Palmerston North:  DianaWaringPN@hef.org.nz
Hastings:  DianaWaringHastings@hef.org.nz
The Friday night meeting with Diana in Christchurch is now closed

All other meetings and conferences are still open for “On the Day Registrations”
including the Saturday in Christchurch

Please be in quick now if you would like to come to these conferences. Some workshop options are getting pretty full and some may already be closed especially in Auckland
Have you told your friends,  neighbours and relations about these conferences?
We often have people coming to us after a conference saying that they have only just heard about it.
So please pass the word around about these conferences.
Bill and Diana arrive in New Zealand tonight
See you at the Conferences