Homeschooling illegal in Sweden – facts of new suggested school law

Jonas says in an email below:

“We will need international support to show that Sweden, as a member of the international democratic community, cannot take such a position. As Sweden is often seen as the great social utopia of the world, it is important for Swedish homeschoolers to win this battle.”

As anyone who has read Jonas’ analysis of the proposed Swedish law can plainly see, the central government of Sweden thinks it knows all and knows best for all.  This is not just absurd, it is classic totalitarianism.  We in NZ have experienced this totalitarianism in the way the MPs, apart from ACT, decided they knew best over the consistently measured opposition to the Section 59 law change of 83%.

Ruby Harrold-Claesson, a lawyer from Sweden, came to New Zealand and told the authorities here what it would be like if we followed Sweden in banning smacking. We can see what she warned of happening already. Here  is a recent comment worth reading from Ruby:

Kiwis — we need to help Swedish home educators fight this proposed law, for if it happens in Sweden, it will establish a precedent for other socialist-tending-toward-totalitarian governmments, which includes NZ.  Sign the Swedish petition.  And vote No in the NZ refereundum.

If you have not already signed this petition then please do.

Our freedoms to Home Educate our children in our own countries depend on us helping other countries such as SwedenGreat Britain and Germany at the moment.  Let us do all we can. Please sign the petition.

When you sign the petition you also need to confirm it though an email. If you have not done this then please do so now. You can check here invalid signatures list.

From: Jonas []
Sent: Tuesday, 14 July 2009 6:29 a.m.
To: Craig and Barbara Smith
Subject: Homeschooling illegal in Sweden – facts of new suggested school law

Dear home schooling friends,

On June 15 the Swedish Government released its proposition for a new Swedish school law, which has been in the works for many years.

The position on homeschooling in the suggested law is a return to darkness. Homeschoolings will not be permitted for those refering to philosophical or religious reasons according to the European convention on Human Rights – i spite of the fact that the Convention is Swedish Law since 1994.

The reason given in the preparatory texts to the proposed law (indicating how the law should be interpreted) is (my translation):

“…that the education in school should be comprehensive and objective and thereby designed so that all pupils can participate, regardless of what religious or philosophical reasons the pupil or his or her care-takers may have.”

Thus, the suggested law argues:

“…there is no need for the law to offer the possibility of homeschooling because of religious or philosophical reasons in the family. All together this means that this suggested change cannot be said to contradict Swedens international obligations [Human rights conventions].”

The quotes above is from the preparatory text of the proposed law on page 584.

The actual proposed law reads like this:

Chapter 22 (my translation):

A school-aged child can be allowed to fulfill the school obligation in other ways than what is stated in this law. Permission shall be given if…
1) the operation appears to be a fully satisfactory alternative to the education otherwise available to the child according to what is prescribed in this law.
2) insight into the operation [by the authorities] is provided, and
3) there are extraordinary circumstances

Permission according to §18 can be given for up to one year at a time. During this time it shall be tried how the operation turns out. Permission shall immediately be withdrawn if it can be assumed that the prerequisites according to §18 no longer exits. A decision about withdrawal of permission takes effect immediately unless other decisions are made.

This actual proposed law is on page 187. The proposed law can be downloaded in Swedish from the Swedish Government homepage: (4.6 MB).

In the preparatory text, the possible acceptable “extraordinary circumstances” are: geographical difficulties, special medical care or a short term stay for foreign families in Sweden.

The law is now out for consideration and The Swedish Association for Home Education – – has been officially asked to give its consideration to the Government – a small victory. The consideration period closes on October 1. The final law will be presented to Parliament during the spring of 2010 and will take effect in 2011.

The proposed law is the Swedish Government showing off its worst totalitarian socialist roots. Our contacts with our Government officials so far, show a lack of knowledge of contemporary home schooling and a complete lack of understanding of its human rights aspects. We will need international support to show that Sweden, as a member of the international democratic community, cannot take such a position. As Sweden is often seen as the great social utopia of the world, it is important for Swedish homeschoolers to win this battle.

Sensible international suggestions about the new Swedish school law can be sent

You are welcome to contact me at: or the whole Rohus board

Please sign the English Rohus petition at . Don’t be shy, we have the resources to receive hundreds of thousands of signatures.

Best regards

Jonas Himmelstrand
Member and pedagogical advisor of the Rohus board

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