SWEDEN: The Govt is trying to make Home schooling illegal

Apparently there is a new law pending in Sweden to make homeschooling totally illegal.

The Home educators in Sweden have started two Petitions to help in their fight to be able to keep home educating their children.

One Petition is for those in Sweden the other (this link) is for those outside of Sweden:

Welcome to sign our petition – for you living outside of Sweden
The Swedish Government is trying to pull the rug from underneath the home-educated children in Sweden, in their proposal for a new School Law.

We will not sit still and passively watch while our kids are forced (!) to school, after so many years in what they love: To learn in their own pace, in a safe environment, and to develop without social limitations.

A legal and very successful alternative to school is about to be erased, without any grounds or research! Rohus is a review-organisation, and we will write a massive review.

For this reason, we ask you to join in supporting our work – sign the petition! We will use it together with our review, among other things.

To read more and to have your name added to the Petition go to this link:


Please note you have to scroll down the page to be able to add in your email address.

Please pass this information on to others.


For more information check out this page:


Sensible international comments about the new Swedish school law can be sent to: skollagen@education.ministry.se

2 thoughts on “SWEDEN: The Govt is trying to make Home schooling illegal

  1. Mischa, thanks for the correct link. I have corrected it in the post now.

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