Friends of Domenic Johansson: Outcome of May 12th Meeting … and What We Do Now

Friends of Domenic Johansson

Outcome of May 12th Meeting … and What We Do Now

At their meeting on May 12, Social services informed the Johanssons that Domenic is comfortable where he now lives in foster care and that is where he is staying. If I understand things correctly, this entire issue now goes to court. The Johanssons certainly deserve an opportunity to defend themselves in court. Annie and both Christer’s mother and father are not doing well. They need our prayers. Christer, especially, needs our prayers, too, as he is care taking for everyone in his family at this point, as well as trying to fight this mountain of injustice. The family needs the strength only God can provide. Please stay with us, friends. A long fight remains ahead.