“Talk back” about Home Education on Radio Rhema 10:00am Friday 28 May 2010

“Talk back” about

Home Education/State Schooling/Christian Private Schooling

on Radio Rhema 10:00am Friday 28 May 2010

Home Education was the the topic of discussion along with State and Christian Private schooling

at 10:00am Thursday morning

This is being followed up with perhaps a few more interviews and then an “open talk back” time. I think this is between 10:ooam and 11:00am. Would be great to get a number of home educators calling in during this time. I am sure that as you listen to the programme they will give out the phone number to ring.

Suzanne was a great ambassador for Home Educators in the programme today – Thursday 27 May 2010:

Talk @ Ten, Educational Choices – Feature Audio, listen below for Thursday’s programme
Many parents agonise over the educational choices they need to make for their children. Which type of education is best? Today we look at three options – state schools, Christian schools and home schooling.

State Schooling

Christian Private Schooling

Home Education

To listen in on Friday’s programme use one of the following:

Listen here online:  http://www.rhema.co.nz/images/stories/articlepics/radio.html

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