Oamaru Home Educators Workshop: Monday, 4 April 2011

4 April half day workshop in Oamaru

5 April half day workshop in Timaru
8 April half day workshop in  Kaikoura
9 April all day workshop in Blenheim
Please click on the town to find out more information about each event. As information is confirmed it will be put up on the website.

Oamaru Home Educators Workshop: 4 April 2011

Venue: Elim Church

Contact: Tani 03 434-9253 tani.newton@paradise.net.nz

Cost: $10.00 per family including grandparents or $5.00 per session


1.00pm   Registration and Viewing Resources

1:15pm Welcome

1.30pm   Two electives

1. “Home Education From a Biblical Perspective” Craig

2. “Avoiding Burnout – Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough” Barbara

3.00pm   Afternoon tea

3:30pm   Two electives

1. “Is it possible to Discipline children in our unDisciplined society?” Craig

2. “Books, Great Books and More Books – Creating your own library; how to use it” Barbara

5.00pm   Question & Answer session

6:00pm shared tea

7.00pm   Two electives

1. “Reforming the Future through Home Education” Craig

2. “Training Our Children/Youth to Be Pure” Barbara