4 April half day workshop in Oamaru
Oamaru Home Educators Workshop: 4 April 2011
Venue: Elim Church
Contact: Tani 03 434-9253 tani.newton@paradise.net.nz
Cost: $10.00 per family including grandparents or $5.00 per session
1.00pm Registration and Viewing Resources
1:15pm Welcome
1.30pm Two electives
1. “Home Education From a Biblical Perspective” Craig
2. “Avoiding Burnout – Keeping Going When the Going Gets Tough” Barbara
3.00pm Afternoon tea
3:30pm Two electives
1. “Is it possible to Discipline children in our unDisciplined society?” Craig
2. “Books, Great Books and More Books – Creating your own library; how to use it” Barbara
5.00pm Question & Answer session
6:00pm shared tea
7.00pm Two electives
1. “Reforming the Future through Home Education” Craig
2. “Training Our Children/Youth to Be Pure” Barbara