Beyond homeschooling in New Zealand

Jenny Barkley, of North Canterbury, a long time home educator in New Zealand, is coming up with the statistics we all want to know about. What is happening to Home schoolers in New Zealand who have now completed their secondary education? If  you have adult children or know of adult children who have completed their education then it would be wonderful if you would get them to answer this survey: Beyond Home Schooling.NZ
Here is an email that Jenny sent out to adults she knew had been home educated:
I am a homeschooling Mum of seven from Waipara, North Canterbury. We have been homeschooling for 25 years (only 6 more to go!). I am a foundation member of Canterbury Home Educators.
I am keen to generate some NZ statistics, and to find out what all our homeschooling children are doing now as adults. It would be great to have some quantitative “results” to share with parents who are contemplating the risk of homeschooling, to counter the worries of grandparents and to challenge statements made by education professionals.
Eventually, (say by mid 2013), I plan to write up the results and make them available to homeschool groups and anyone else who is interested. If you would like a copy of the results email me at with “beyond homeschooling” in the subject line.
The only requirement for this survey is that you have been homeschooled in NZ for at least one year, and have now finished your secondary education.
Thank you so much to Oliver Fisher, for putting this on line, and Michael Redepenning, for coaching me on the editing process.
Thanks also to Brian. D. Ray, Ph D, who gave me permission to use his questions from “Home Educated and Now Adult”, 2004.
Please pass on this info to eligible folk you are incontact with. Beyond Home Schooling.NZ
Jenny Barkley


From the Smiths:

Updated 6 September 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational: