From HSLDA: @home e-vents: Adventures in Homeschooling–Grades, Boys, and Single Parenting

Adventures in Homeschooling—Grades, Boys, and Single Parenting

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Featured On-Demand E-vents:

Tuesday, June 5, @ 2:00 p.m. (ET)—“Homeschooling: Not a School at Home!”

Mike Donnelly
Mike Donnelly

How much flexibility do you have in evaluating your child’s work?

We all know the common process of doling out grades, setting grade levels, and handing out diplomas, but do you have to do all this in the same way a traditional school does? Or do you have more freedom in determining your son or daughter’s progress in school? HSLDA Staff Attorney Mike Donnelly will explore this topic in the live e-vent “Homeschooling: Not a School at Home!” You’ll get a glimpse of the wide world open to you as a home educator—from assessing the academic achievements of your student to meeting the requirements of your state’s law. This presentation is quickly filling up, so sign up now to get your chance to join the live e-vent!

On Demand—“Ballistic Homeschooling: Teaching and Appreciating Boys”

Hal and Melanie Young
Hal and Melanie Young

So what? Why should I care?

If you’ve heard these questions more than once, you might be homeschooling boys! What’s the best solution? Get the battle plan from Hal and Melanie Young in the on-demand recording “Ballistic Homeschooling: Teaching and Appreciating Boys.” Hal and Melanie have successfully educated and maintained a household of six boys. They share stories of both good times and bad times and give some helpful tips on how to make the good outweigh the bad. You’ll learn how to relate to your son in a way that will leave him thirsty for more knowledge. Sign up today!

On Demand—“Single-Parent Homeschooling: How You Can Make It Work!”

Mary Jo Tate
Mary Jo Tate

Find support from other parents just like you!

Homeschooling as a single parent seems like a daunting task, but the number of single parents who choose to homeschool is growing. Author and single parent of four Mary Jo Tate shares her struggles and bright spots in the on-demand recording “Single-Parenting Homeschooling: How You Can Make It Work!” to encourage you in this chapter of your life. Mary Jo addresses the challenges—emotional and financial—and shows you how a network of supportive relationships can help you better understand God’s providence and love. Sign up today!

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  • Go to and click the Login link
  • On the next page, click the Register link
  • Fill out the registration information, and you’re good to go!

If you have any questions, please visit the @home e-vent website or contact the @home e-vent team by emailing

From HSLDA: Important Note: We have created a special list just to receive announcements about our @home e-vents. The frequency of emails on this list is about 1 per week.


From the Smiths:

Updated 22 May 2012: Life for Those Left Behind (Craig Smith’s Health) page 6 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:


This link is motivational: