Inquiry into engaging parents in the education of their children

Public submissions are now being invited on the Inquiry into engaging parents in the education of their children.

The closing date for submissions is Thursday, 7 November 2013

The terms of reference for the inquiry are to investigate the elements of an effective strategy for engaging parents, families, whanau, aiga, and communities in education; to identify the best practice examples of approaches, locally and internationally, that support parents and communities to encourage their children’s learning; and to identify ways to leverage the strength of communities to lift the educational achievement of children and young people in their community.

Read more here: Inquiry into engaging parents in the education of their children

The only other information is this press release: Inquiry into engaging parents in their children’s education

“The importance of parental engagement in children’s learning is well documented in national and international research,” Dr Calder said. “For most children, their parents are the one constant factor throughout education from early learning to tertiary education, and the primary caregivers of a child have an immense impact on their learning and development. While the focus of this inquiry is on strengthening the role of parents and caregivers, it is also understood that this happens within the context of families, wh?nau, and aiga, and as such is an intervention that has the potential to improve the education outcomes of all children within a family system and within a community.”

The terms of reference for this inquiry are to

• investigate the elements of an effective strategy for engaging parents, families, wh?nau, aiga, and communities in education

• identify the best practice examples of approaches, locally and internationally, that support parents and communities to encourage their children’s learning

• identify ways to leverage the strength of communities to lift the educational achievement of children and young people in their community.
Submissions close on Thursday, 7 November 2013, and can be made online at . Alternatively, they can be sent to the address below. If a submitter wishes to appear before the committee, they need to state this clearly and provide a name, daytime phone number and email address. Submissions generally become public and are published on the Parliament website. For further guidance on making a submission, read the publication Making a submission to a Parliamentary Select Committee on the Parliament website, or contact the secretariat at (04) 817 9469.

Home Educators could have quite an impact on this submission process. I welcome your comments on this.


From the Smiths:

Updated: 12 September 2013:  One year on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


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