Reporting back on the Problem Solving Survey

Craig with children and timelineWhile I am still writing my personal Problem Solving Survey it occurred to me that only those who have filled out the Problem Solving Survey or sent an email about itwill be sent the feedback and the summary of the collated feedback – or maybe it will just be sent to some selected home educators.

After 3 October 2014, we will be collating all the feedback from the home schooling sector and organisations involved in home schooling.  We will summarise what is working well and anything that people would like to see changed. A copy of all the feedback and the summary of this collated feedback will be provided to the home schooling sector by the end of November 2014.  We will seek feedback from the sector on this document to ensure we have accurately captured what is working well and what people would like to see changed.  The feedback we receive from the home schooling sector will inform us of the next steps.  Any proposed next steps will be provided to the home schooling sector for comment also by the end of November 2014.

When I asked if I could put the findings of the Red Tape Cluster Buster team on this website this is the answer that I got from them:

Unfortunately we cannot answer yes to putting the notes online; the reason for this is that the notes are an amalgamation of all our meetings and therefore not “ours” as such, but everyone’s who fed into the process.

I will ask if I can put the feedback and the summary of the collated feedback of the Problem Scoping Survey on this website but I am expecting that I will get a similar answer. So my suggestion to you is if you would like to be getting the feedback and the summary of the collated feedback then you might be more likely to get a copy of it if you put in a Scoping Survey or write an email about it.

You don’t have to fill in every box in the survey or send a long email. Just pick something from:

what the MoE is doing well,

or what the MoE is not doing well

or that you would like to see improved.

Time is limited now – the deadline has passed but by my reckoning I figure we have until early Monday morning to send in our surveys or emails. The deadline was the 3rd, that is Friday midnight. The MoE wont be working over the weekend so let’s get as much feedback to them by early Monday that we can.

Here is the link that I have been trying to get out far and wide (although I was talking to a home educator just last night who had not heard about the Scoping Survey at all.) So please forward this email to other home educators and to your support groups to pass around. OK back to the link: MoE Problem Scoping Survey: please make it known and fill it out. There are a number of ideas that you can use to stimulate your thinking, you can write about other things or just copy and paste what you agree with.

Here is the Home Education Foundation’s Scoping Survey which I emailed this afternoon: Home Education Foundation’s Problem Scoping Survey. Again feel free to use anything that you would like from the Home Education Foundation’s Problem Solving Survey.

Now to finish my personal Problem Scoping Survey


MoE Problem Scoping Survey: please make it known and fill it out

Don’t forget to get your Problem Scoping Surveys into the MoE today (at a stretch early Monday morning – the MoE wont be working over the weekend, we have until midnight to get the Problem Scoping Surveys in, so early Monday morning will get the Surveys to the MoE before they start processing them).

Addresses for sending the Scoping Survey back:


snail mail: Lucy Ambrose, 45-47 Pipitea St, Wellington

phone: 04 463 8946 | Ext 48946

or look for the addresses in Jim Greening’ letter.

Home Education Foundation letter which covers exemption form, beneficiaries, International home educators and Keystone.

– MoE/ERO issues

– Changes in the MoE

– MoE discussions introduction to the Red Tape Cluster Buster meetings

– Preparation for the MoE discussions with Red Tape Cluster Buster meetings andrelevant for the Problem Scoping Survey
– Discussions home educators had online at Clutter buster group or (for ease of reading as not everyone can get onto the Google docs) here… (Also a lot of very good information to aid you in filling out the Problem Scoping Survey)

– Record of Progress and Achievement (an example of the new National MoE office staff understanding home educators)

– Truancy and the Home Schooler/Home Educator (another success with the National Office in that Megan showed us alternatives)

– Scoping Meeting 15 July 2014 – Getting to know you

– 2nd Meeting 28 July 2014 – Red Tape Cluster Buster Meeting

– MoE scoping Home Educators – email

– Feedback Form (Problem Scoping Survey) on MoE website

– Email to the MoE about the Scoping Survey from a Home Educator

– Problem Scoping Survey: ideas and deadline

– MoE’s reply to Yumiko’s email about the Scoping Survey

– MoE Problem Scoping Survey: please make it known and fill it out

– The last of Craig Smith’s writings before he died 3 years ago

– MoE Problem Scoping Survey

Home Education Foundation’s Problem Scoping Survey


Please share/forward this link with other home educators.


From the Smiths:

Updated 1 October 2014:  Three years on (Craig Smith’s Health) page 7 click here


Needing help for your home schooling journey:


Here are a couple of links to get you started home schooling:

Information on getting started


Information on getting an exemption

This link is motivational:

Exemption Form online:

Coming Events:
