Reading challenge for 2012


Today I came across this challenge to read 52 books during 2011. Well, we only have one week left to go so I looked at the website to see what the challenge is for 201212 classics in 12 months.

What a wonderful challenge to have.

12 in 2012

Challenge yourself to read 12 classics in 12 months  or  12 chunksters (over 600 pages)  in 12 months.
For those who manage to read more than 52 books a year, challenge yourself to read 12 books in 12 categories in 2012. Otherwise, read 10 + a couple more different sub genres in each category.  Or mix it up anyway you want to read 52 books using the five different Genres and 114 sub genres.    Spice up your reading picks by picking new to you sub genres.

2 thoughts on “Reading challenge for 2012

  1. Hi Barbara

    I have signed up and will be doing this too in the next year. It’s such a great idea.


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