HSLDA: Take action today–help the Wunderlichs get their kids back!

HSLDA Founder and Chairman Mike Farris meets with the Wunderlich family during the Global Home Education Conference held in Berlin, Germany in October 2012. Farris is asking homeschoolers to contact German officials on behalf of the Wunderlichs.
Dear HSLDA Members and Friends,

Dirk and Petra Wunderlich have told me that they are greatly encouraged by the support they are receiving from their fellow homeschoolers. (If you haven’t read the heartbreaking story of the raid and removal of their children, click here.)

Will you help us expand our efforts to communicate our grave concern over the abuse of this family’s human rights?
Today we want to let the German government know in no uncertain terms that this action against the Wunderlichs is not acceptable.Please call and email the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. (Already contacted them? That’s OK—contact them again.)And let’s expand our reach—there are nine German consulates in key cities across the U.S. Let’s call them, too!

Note: Calls are answered first in German followed by English (stay on the line). 
The German Embassy in Washington, D.C.,
can be reached at:
German Consulates
Please call the German Embassy in New Zealand:

Tel.: +64 4 473 6063
Fax: +64 4 473 6069

Contact Political Section

Honorary Consuls

Dr. Anne-Marie Schleich, Ambassador

Please call the German Embassy in Australia:

Phone: +61-2-62701911

Fax:  +61-2-62701951
Email: info@canberra.diplo.de
Website URL

When you call, you can express the following:
  • You are shocked and dismayed at the German actions in sending a SWAT team to remove the Wunderlich children.
  • A UN rapporteur has criticized Germany for its harsh treatment of homeschoolers in his 2006 report on the German education system (see paragraphs 62 and 93 (g) of the report).
  • Germany authorities should immediately release the Wunderlich children to their parents.
  • Germany should promptly change its law to permit homeschooling to comply with its obligations under international law.
Freedom isn’t free! We can’t advance freedom around the world, or defend it here at home, without your help!

Join HSLDA today!

Thank you for your concern and care for this precious family. Stay tuned as we continue to work for the  release of these homeschooled children and support the family. HSLDA is helping with the legal efforts to reunite this family. You can join with us to fight for the Wunderlichs with your membership or a donation to the Homeschool Freedom Fund .

Standing with you for liberty,

Michael Farris
Mike Farris

One thought on “HSLDA: Take action today–help the Wunderlichs get their kids back!

  1. Thanks for finally writing about HSLDA: Take action today-help
    the Wunderlichs get their kids back! | Home Education Foundation Liked it!

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