Workshops and Electives

2007 – Comments on Workshops

**Bless you both and I loved the weekend – could have done it for 2 or 3 days. K……

**This is just a little note to say a BIG thank-you for coming all the way to Wairoa to give your talks on “Home Edcation”.
Your information and advice was WONDERFUL – and this Mum who has been homeschooling for 6 years, feels like a new woman!!!
(Your advice too, Barbara, that we are working for God NOT the education department was INVALUABLE!) So thank-you both for all the hard work you do for we home educators — it is VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. God bless you and your family. B……

**Thank you SO much for visitng Wairoa last week and speaking to us all at the conference. There were many families represented who are thinking about their very young children’s future education and some of them are far more informed after your visit. I am sure many of them will make a very wise choice and home educate their children……
Thanks again for everything you do and for the great blessing you hve been and continue to be to our family. J……

New Plymouth
**It was a pleasure to meet you both in New Plymouth and to stock up on some books from your display……There was much “meat” to be digested!
We have all been blessed by what we have already read, and we expect that to continue as we apply to our daily lives more of what we read over the next few weeks. C……

**Dear Mrs Smith, I just wanted to let you know that you and your husband were of greatencouragement to us, at the New Plymouth conference. We attended as CreakyCorner, and did not expect to be able to attend the seminars, but were greatly encouraged as a result. I was motivated, as a result of your talks, to start Scripture memorywith our daughter, who is 4 yrs old. She is quite happily working her way through the ten commandments at the moment, and even our 2 yr old, who sits in on the sessions, is picking up bits and pieces :-). We also purchased the, “Created to be His Help Meet,” book and got a lot out of it. THanks for your input. Kathy,

Rotorua 2003PS, my husband and I attended a seminar that you put on in Rotorua about 4 years ago. We came from Hamilton and there were 2 other families from Hamilton there too (We did not know these other two at the time). We were all very encouraged and all chose to Home Educate our children and all is going very well. Thanks for the input into our lives! P…….