Bay of Plenty Homeschoolers Expo

Last chance for anyone wishing to register an entry (or seven…..) into this Expo – the closing date for registrations is this Friday (3rd June).  It will not matter if you don’t end up entering on the day, but we do need to finalise numbers this week.  We have decided to make a few changes to the payment/registration process – you will need to register as an entrant by this Friday, you will need to confirm (by making payment) your entries (which may well have changed by then, you may wish to retract from some categories, enter into others, swap some, etc.) by Friday 17th and, if required, have your work ready for pre-judging (Composition – Story only at this stage) by Monday 20th.  All other entries will need to be left at the hall by 10:00am Friday 24th.  All work must be of the entrant’s own doing, and must have been completed during the preceding 12 month period.

Email us at to be put n the Expo mailing list.

We have received 175 entries so far, and the categories are as follows:

Art – Collage
Art – Drawing
Art – Mosaic
Art – Open
Art – Painting
Art – Printing
Art – Sand Picture
Art – Sculpture
Carving – Bone
Carving – Hebel, Stone or Similar
Carving – Soap
Carving – Wood
Composition – Open (prayer, short play, speech, etc.)
Composition – Poetry
Composition – Science Project
Composition – Song
Composition – Story
Construction – Electronic Circuit
Construction – Kite
Construction – Lego/Mecanno/etc. – Electronic/Mechanised/Robotic
Construction – Model Making
Construction – Open
Construction – Origami
Construction – Paper Plane
Construction – Pre-Determined (comes with instructions and parts) Lego/Mecanno/Kinex/Other Construction System
Construction – Recycled Material
Construction – Robotics
Construction – Wood
Cooking – Biscuit or Slice Baking
Cooking – Cake Baking
Cooking – Confectionery
Cooking – Open
Craft – Card Making
Craft – Crochet/Tatting
Craft – Cross Stitch
Craft – Doll Making
Craft – Embroidery
Craft – Hand Sewing
Craft – Knitting
Craft – Needle Felting
Craft – Machine Sewing
Craft – Paper
Craft – Soft Toy/Teddy Bear Making
Craft – Weaving
Craft – Wool
Creation – Aqua Jar
Creation – Board Game
Creation – Ceramics/Pottery
Creation – Diorama
Creation – Fashion
Creation – Flower Arrangement
Creation – Free Form Lego/Mecanno/Kinex/Other Construction System
Creation – Graphic Novel/Comic Strip
Creation – Hair Style
Creation – Jewelery
Creation – Natural Materials
Creation – Lapbook/Scrapbook
Creation – Plant Pot Garden or Landscape
Creation – Plasticine, Fimo, etc.
Creation – Playdough
Creation – Radio Variety Show for Children
Creation – Sand Saucer
Creation – Trash to Fash
Creation – Vegetable Sculpture
Decoration – Cake
Decoration – Ceramics/Pottery
Decoration – Flowerpot
Decoration – Hat
Decoration – T-Shirt/Pillowcase
Design – Eco/Sustainable House
Design – Fashion
Design – Graphic (Bay of Plenty Homeschool Support Group Logo)
Design – Jewelery
Design – Menu, Meal Plan and Shopping List for a Family of Five on a Budget
Design – Sustainable or (Semi)Self-Sufficient Lifestyle Block
Design – Website Innovation/Invention – Disability Assistance
Innovation/Invention – Open
Movie Making – Claymation/StopMotion
Movie Making – How-To Demonstration Video – Cooking, Skill, Dance, etc.
Movie Making – Short Film
Music – Acoustic Recording
Music – Composition
Music – Computer Generated
Music – Other
Photography – Black and White
Photography – Open
Photography – Digitally Manipulated (Photoshop, etc.)

Kind regards,